Togo: Opposition to raise 3 issues ahead of ECOWAS delegation


As a prelude to the roadmap prepared by the ECOWAS Heads of State and Government for a way out of the crisis in Togo, a delegation from the community organization arrived in Lomé on Wednesday. The delegation led by General Francis Behanzin Thursday meets the protagonists of the Togolese crisis to learn about the latest advances. At the level of the Coalition of 14 opposition parties, it is announced that 3 key issues will be raised before the Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security of ECOWAS and its continuation.

Monday, the Togolese Head of State gave a presidential pardon to 7 people detained in Lomé and Kpalimé prisons. Another 12 persons imprisoned in Mango prison were released on bail. Actions that fall within the framework of measures of appeasement, according to the Togolese presidency.

But at the level of the opposition coalition, one calls for the power of Faure Gnassingbé the total liberation of the people still in detention, as requested on June 27 by the facilitators. A delegation from the opposition group has also visited other prisoners in Lomé prison.

Prof Aimé Gogué, president of the Alliance of Democrats for Integral Development (ADDI), estimated at the end of the visit if there are still "political" prisoners, it is because the government is keen on the continuation of the judicial process.

"Their release is delayed because the government is still keen on judicial proceedings continue. This while the facilitators insisted that these issues are to be dealt with politically. They themselves have in their camp, people who have committed crimes but who are not arrested and do not undergo judicial procedure ", he lamented.

Deciding on the presidential pardon granted by Faure Gnassingbé to 7 inmates, Prof Gogué thinks it is insufficient. He says the Coalition wants all other people to be released.

"This was a recommendation for dialogue. They have partially released people and I do not think this is a good thing, "he added.

It is in this context that Togolese political actors will exchange Thursday with the ECOWAS delegation led by General Francis Behanzin, Commissioner of the Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security of the Organization

For Aimé Gogué, the Coalition to submit a platform that will address 3 fundamental problems. This is the question of reforms with the backdrop of the eternal demand for the 1992 Constitution, the appeasement measures and the refugee problem.

"For the moment, we still have our demands . We have our positions that we are going to express about the reforms and voting rights of the diaspora. Then there is the issue of appeasement measures that are not always fulfilled. Finally, we will discuss the question of Togolese who had to leave the country and who are now refugees, "said the president of ADDI, a member of the Coalition of 14.

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