Togo: The C14 announces a series of meetings in several cities including Sokodé, Mango and Bafilo


The ECOWAS roadmap for a way out of the crisis in Togo is for July 31st. But the Togolese opposition does not intend to stop there, waiting for ECOWAS before taking action.

According to a statement released Tuesday morning, the C14 (Coalition of 14 opposition parties) based on the fact that "Several times questioned about the restrictions on the right to demonstrate imposed by the government since the beginning of the dialogue, the facilitators in their communiqué of June 27, 2018, invited him to guarantee the right and the freedom to demonstrate in safety on the entire national territory "», intends to organize a series of meetings in several localities, including those previously banned from demonstrations namely, Sokodé, Mango, Bafilo. In the meantime, Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson and her peers say that they congratulate "the facilitators for this clarification".

According to the program established by this Coalition, it is planned:
«» Thursday July 12 11h: Visit to the prisoners of the prison Sokode

Friday, July 13, 2018, 8h: Meetings of information and awareness in Mango

15h: Meeting information and awareness Bafilo

Saturday, July 14 2018, 10h: Information and awareness meeting in Sokodé

Thursday, July 19: Visit to the prisoners of Lomé prison

Saturday, July 21 15h: Information and awareness meeting in the place of the Plateau College Lomé

Saturday, July 28, 2018, 15h: Information and awareness meeting in Tsévié

Sunday, July 29, 2018: 10h: Information and awareness meeting at Atakpamé.

15h: Meeting of i Information and sensitization to Kpalimé. "

Togolese and Togolese from Mango, Bafilo, Sokode, Lomé, Tsevie, Atakpamé and Kpalimé towns, human rights organizations, press associations, trade unions and associations civil society, workers of the public and private sectors, market sellers, taximen, zemidjans, students, equipped with Togolese flags, according to the terms of the communiqué, are invited once again, at the rendezvous of 13, 14, 21, 28 and 29 July 2018 at the meeting places to receive the appropriate information to reinforce their determination to obtain, "" the return to the constitution of 1992 in its original version, the institutional reforms, the revision of the electoral framework including the voting rights of Togolese in the diaspora, the release of protesters arrested in the exercise of their constitutional right and the lifting of the de facto de facto siege those of Mango, Bafilo, Sokodé, Tchamba, Kara and Lomé districts, the immediate arrest of raids in the Lomé neighborhoods and throughout the territory and the return of refugees and displaced persons ".

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