torrential rains kill at least 44 people


The latest report released by the Japanese authorities on Sunday, July 8 is heavy. The rains that have fallen on the western part of Japan for several days have left at least 44 dead and 21 missing . These are only temporary totals as water has been falling for days and causing exceptional floods, landslides, floods and other damage.

The media announce about 50 dead and as many missing.
The region of Ehime (southwest) appears the most affected, but are also concerned the prefectures of Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Okayama, Kochi, Kyoto or Gifu. Dozens of houses were completely or partially destroyed, thousands invaded by water . TVs show since Friday terrible images of muddy streams in fury, neighborhoods completely drowned, refugees on their roofs waving white rags to be spotted by helicopters relief

48,000 men (firefighters, police, soldiers) were dispatched to the ground on Saturday, but relief is made difficult by the access conditions very complicated in some places. Several hundred people were isolated in areas where roads or bridges were flooded or washed away. The National Meteorological Agency kept several provinces on high alert fearing very serious damage. More than 2 million people have been ordered to evacuate, but these instructions are not necessarily followed, because it is sometimes impossible to move in.

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