trial of hundreds of suspected Boko Haram activists


The trial of several hundred suspected militants of the Islamist group Boko Haram opened on Tuesday in Diffa, in southeastern Niger, near Nigeria, announced today the public television. "Several hundred defendants will be tried, including charges of criminal association in connection with a terrorist company," told AFP a judicial source.

The first trials of alleged members of Boko Haram were held in March 2017 in Niamey, the capital of Niger. This year, they were relocated to Diffa, theater since February 2015 many attacks of Boko Haram, group based in the north-east of neighboring Nigeria.

"Niger is a democracy and a state of law (… We do not believe in the law of retaliation, we do not execute our enemies summarily, even if they are notorious terrorists. " Judgments will be made "in accordance with international conventions" signed by Niger, assured General Abu Tarka, head of the High Authority for Peacebuilding (HACP, Government) at the opening of the trial, in the court of great instance of Diffa, the regional capital of the South-East.

The public prosecutor, Chaibou Samna, also promised "a fair trial". The majority of the defendants were transferred to Diffa from their prisons in Niamey, Kollo and Koutoukalé, two cities in the south-west of the country. Boko Haram does not have back bases in Niger. But many young people from Diffa joined the jihadists from 2015, baited by the offers of Boko Haram which offers up to 300,000 CFA francs per month (450 euros).

Since December 2016, 200 Nigerian fighters from Boko Haram surrendered and surrendered to the authorities in Diffa, according to them. These repentants are interned in a reception camp where they must undergo a de-radicalization program then benefit from an amnesty before finding their relatives.


» jihadists massacre 22 soldiers in Niger

»Nigeria: Boko Haram multiplies its attacks

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