Trial of the failed coup of 2015: Staff Sergeant Ali Sanou defers to (…)


LEFASO.NET | By Dimitri OUEDRAOGO • Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 22h59min

Sergeant-Chief Sanou Ali passed the bar this Tuesday, July 17, 2018. He is accused of the facts of attack on state security, killings of thirteen people, assault on people and finally destruction of property of others. The accused says he does not recognize the facts he is accused of. The only fact he recognizes is to have given a rope to a man in the maquis "La Ouagalaise" without hurting him. In view of the problems he is experiencing (Yimdi's powder keg, coup d'état, expulsion from the army), he relies on Allah.

 Trial of the failed coup of 2015: the Chief Sergeant Ali Sanou Relies to Allah

Chief Sergeant Ali Sanou does not admit to having blamed individuals, nor vandalized the property of others, let alone the lives of others during the events of September 2015. His mission in the business was to lift the barricades erected in the city of Ouagadougou. It was from Major Eloi Badiel that he received these orders. He was at the Bataille-du-rail roundabout and on Charles-de-Gaulle Avenue. He also went to Abazon studio and Simon Compaoré's home without doing any damage. He was also from Zorgho's mission, for an escort on Boudry at the start. He says he accompanied a lady to a house. The lady would have come inside and he went around the house.

Questioned by the prosecution and the civil party, the sergeant-chef eventually agree to have administered a cord to an individual. It was in the maquis "La Ouagalaise". Arrived at the scene, the accused said he saw men who counted money. Opposite, a kiosk was next to a courtyard. Individuals were there and by their sight they fled into the house. While pursuing them, in the yard, he comes face to face with a lady who immediately began to cry.

He would have turned around. Outside, he saw a man lying on the ground. He took a cord from a young man and gave him a blow. He insists that the gesture was not brutal, nor hurtful, even less violent. He is remorseful and apologizes to the victim.

The accused also acknowledges that he disarmed the security elements of the ministers. However, he questioned his statements made before the investigating judge. This led the prosecution to call him a "liar". A qualifier that the accused said he did not appreciate

The court apologized but the prosecution hammered home the point that a person who does not tell the truth is "a liar". The defense did not fail to point out that the civil party and the prosecution think they hold the truth. "If it is, that they come to file the evidence, we will leave here [sic]," she claims. Given his problems (sentenced to 17 years in prison in the case of Yimdi, radiation from the army, case of the coup), Chief Sergeant Ali Sanou relies on God. He thus passed the witness to the accused Seydou Soulama


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