Trump denounces the "malicious" attitude of Beijing


The US president also accused China of "unfair practices".

US President Donald Trump on Wednesday denounced the "malicious" attitude of China, in the midst of a tussle with Beijing that it accuses of "unfair" practices.

"China is targeting our farmers I love and respect and she knows it, a way for her to force me to continue to allow her to enjoy the United States, "he tweeted. "His attitude is malicious in what will be a failed attempt We have been kind – so far China has won 517 billion dollars on our back last year," he wrote.

Commercial Iron. For several months, President Trump has been engaged in a commercial stand-off on several fronts. Faced with China, the United States had a trade deficit of $ 376 billion in 2017 and intend to reduce it. Washington has imposed additional tariffs of 25% on steel and 10% on Chinese aluminum since the end of March and since July 6, 34 billion dollars of imports of Chinese goods are also taxed up to 25%. %. The Trump administration has threatened to impose punitive taxes on all Chinese imports, which amounted to $ 500 billion in 2017.

US $ 12 billion in emergency aid to US farmers ] Beijing accuses Washington of wanting to trigger "the worst trade war in economic history" and reacted by imposing new taxes on US products. On Tuesday, the Trump administration announced $ 12 billion in emergency aid to US farmers affected by US tariff retaliation, recognizing the first collateral damage caused by the president's trade dispute.

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