Trump is conciliatory with Putin: public outcry in the United States


Another uproar in Washington for Donald Trump. By stubbornly refusing this Monday, July 16 to condemn Moscow for the interference in the US presidential campaign at a summit in Helsinki with Vladimir Putin, the US president has been widely criticized.

At the end of A two-hour tête-à-tête, the two men showed their willingness to write a new chapter in relations between Washington and Moscow.

But this is the attitude of the 45th President of the United States on the issue burning of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign, unanimously attested by the FBI investigators and US intelligence agencies, which caused astonishment. On Monday, Chief of Intelligence Dan Coats confirmed his certainty.

"I have President Putin who just said it was not Russia […] And I do not see why it would be," said Donald Trump leaving to hear that he was more sensitive to the denials of the Russian leader than to the conclusions of his own services.

"The President (Putin) strongly contests," he insisted.

"One of the worst moments "

On his return flight from the Finnish capital, the US President has seen the consequences of his respect for the strongman of the Kremlin, finding himself sharply criticized by the tenors of the Republican party

The Republican Senator John McCain denounced:

"One of the worst moments in the history of the American presidency."

The wave of indignation, a rare intensity, led Donald Trump to ensure that he kept a "HUGE confidence" in s

"However, I must also recognize that in order to build a better future, we can not turn exclusively to the past – as the two largest nuclear powers in the world, we must agree!" , he added on Twitter.

"Imbued, dangerous and weak"

The American billionaire, in power for 18 months, has long been a poster the hope of establishing a personal relationship with Putin, a former KGB officer who has ruled Russia since 2000.

Donald Trump must realize that "Russia is not not our ally, "said Republican leader Paul Ryan in the US Congress.

Chuck Schumer, leader of the Democratic opposition in the Senate, accused him of being the world's first power president. "thoughtless, dangerous and weak" against his Russian counterpart

Nancy Pelosi, Leader of the Democratic Opposition in the House of Representatives, spoke of "a sad day for America."

Vladimir Putin, who once again denied any interference, he wanted to see Donald Trump prevail against the democrat Hillary Clinton?

"Yes," replied the latter bluntly. Advanced reason? "He spoke of normalization of Russian-American relations."

The Washington inquiry into Russian interference with Trump in the 2016 presidential campaign was relaunched spectacularly, three days before the summit, by the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence agents accused of hacking the computers of the Democratic Party.

"This investigation is a disaster […] which had negative consequences on the relations of the first two nuclear powers of the world, " Trump launched the Russian president at his side. "We have led a remarkable campaign and that is why I am president," he added.

"Years of stupidity on the part of the United States"

Vladimir Putin then claimed, on the American channel Fox News, that US-Russian relations are not "taken hostage" by this investigation, a manifestation in his eyes of an "internal political struggle in the United States."

thus given reason to Donald Trump who, shortly before the first handshake, had surprisingly on the part of an American president attributed in a tweet the bad relations between Washington and Moscow to … "years of stupidity on the part of the United States" and the "witch hunt" carried out by the FBI, which investigates the Russian interference.

Desiring to give a positive image of their meeting, the two leaders with very dissimilar backgrounds insisted "I hope we have begun to understand each other better," said Putin, referring to "very successful and very useful" talks, while Trump [19659014] praised a "direct, open and very productive dialogue."

Asked about rumors of compromising records held by Moscow over Donald Trump Vladimir Putin dismissed them a lapel

"It would be difficult to imagine a greater absurdity! Get out of this idiocy of the head, "he said.

Soccer ball

From Syria to Crimea, many diplomats and analysts feared that Donald Trump makes a series of concessions to the strong man of the Kremlin, but the two men will be stingy with details

Arrived in Helsinki mid-day after attending the Moscow victory France in World Cup, Putin offered a soccer ball to the real estate mogul, visibly delighted.

"Now the ball is in your camp", had fun Vladimir Putin, triggering the laughter of Trump who promised to give it to his son Barron, 12.

Donald Trump as his Democratic and Republican predecessors had, of course, already met Vladimir Putin, but the format of the meeting, like his timing, The summit is the last leg of a week-long trip to Europe during which the real estate mogul fired shots red on its allies – Germany in the lead – all carefully keeping away from criticism of the Russian president.

( With AFP )

 The Obs

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