Trump says his tongue has forked against Putin


 US President Donald Trump at the White House, July 17, 2018 / AFP

US President Donald Trump at the White House, July 17, 2018 / AFP

US President Donald Trump Tuesday attempted to to limit the damage caused by his meeting with Vladimir Putin, returning completely to his remarks deemed too conciliatory towards the master of the Kremlin.

In a moment to say the least surprising, the tenant of the White House explained that being misrepresented in Helsinki when he said he had no reason not to believe the Russian president's denials of Moscow interference in the US presidential campaign in 2016.

M. Trump laboriously pleaded the slip, adopting a low profile, while he found himself isolated Tuesday in his own camp. This after a disastrous European tour that saw him turning his back on US allies.

The US president claimed to have uttered a key phrase from his joint press conference with Putin, forgetting to put a negative particle, reversing his message.

Precisely, he explained to have said Monday in Helsinki: "I see no reason why it would be Russia (who would have interfered in the election)", while he actually wanted to say, "I do not see any reason why it would NOT be Russia."

Still seeking to quell the brusque controversy, Mr. Trump made another shift, after questioning the services of US intelligence that concluded to the reality of this Russian interference.

This attitude had dismayed even congressional Republicans who usually do not feel entitled to publicly criticize the president.

 fired of hand between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on July 16, 2018 in Helsinki / SPUTNIK / AFP

Handshake between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on July 16, 2018 in Helsinki / SPUTNIK / AFP

"I accept the conclusions of our intelligence services that Russia has interfered in the 2016 election, "said Trump finally, emphasizing his" respect "for these federal agencies.

This interference from Moscow "had no impact" on the result of the ballot he won, however, added the Republican billionaire.

Worthy of acknowledging his wrongs by voices from across the political spectrum, Donald Trump had until then seemed impervious to the deluge of criticism.

He even granted himself a self-satisfied account on his Twitter account.

"Although I had an excellent meeting with NATO, raising large sums of money, I had much better conversations with Vladimir Putin from Russia, but unfortunately the media do not state, "wrote Mr. Trump.

– Avalanche of Critics –

Apart from Senator Rand Paul, few Republicans have openly defended the President's performance at the Helsinki Summit, the first bilateral meeting between the 45th US President and Russian President.

In the days leading up to Helsinki, in Brussels or London, Mr. Trump generally held back the transatlantic ties, with his charges against Germany, the European Union or the United States. UK.

His tour triggered an avalanche of negative comments from multiple politicians and geopolitical experts, ranging from "surreal" to "traitor" through "embarrassing", "indefensible", "unthinking", "antipatriotic" or "shameful." 19659021] Vladimir Putin offers a soccer ball to Donald Trump during a summit in Helsinki, July 16, 2018 / AFP ” class=”img-responsive”/>

Vladimir Putin offers a football to Donald Trump during a summit in Helsinki, July 16 2018 / AFP

A sign of the extent of the malaise, the Conservatives' favorite TV channel, Fox News, has left an unprecedented place to the detractors of the presidential tour. Half a dozen of star journalists criticized the president in their comments.

M. Trump "must immediately turn the tide," said Anthony Scaramucci, an ephemeral former communications director of the White House.

A message also from Newt Gingrich, a former president of Congress, who says Trump committed "the worst mistake of his presidency."

– Obama's advice –

In a press conference Tuesday on Capitol Hill, the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives drove the nail

"Vladimir Putin does not share our values," said Paul Ryan. "We have just concluded a year-long investigation into Russia's interference in our election, they have interfered, it is crystal clear, no doubt is allowed."

From South Africa where he is traveling, former Democratic President Barack Obama has regretted an "uncertain time" in which "each new cycle of news brings its share of worrying titles and giving the tournis".

Perhaps a sign of a new approach to Russia, the White House issued an unusually harsh statement on Tuesday with Moscow, entitled: "President Donald Trump protects our elections and stands up to the damaging activities of Russia "


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