Tunisia. A woman close to Islamists wins the Tunis mayoralty


For the first time, a woman becomes mayor of the capital, Tunis. Beyond the historical nature of this event, the victory of Souad Abderrahim, top of the list of Ennahda during the municipal poll held in early May, represents a great step forward for the Islamist party.

"The dignitaries of Ennahda are right to bully. It is a masterstroke, both media and political, with the considerable impact that their movement has just succeeded with the brilliant election of Souad Abderrahim to the mayor of Tunis ", states Leaders [19659003]. The new mayor, 53, doctor of pharmacy, was elected in the second round by 26 votes out of 60, against 22 for his main opponent, Kamel Idir, candidate of Nidaa Tounes, the Call of Tunisia, centrist party in power in coalition with the Islamist party Ennahda. After the 6 May municipal poll, the first of its kind since the fall of dictator Ben Ali in January 2011, it took two months of negotiations and the abstention of several municipal councilors for this vote to take place.

" This victory is also and above all the defeat of the Democratic camp in Tunisia ", continues the Tunisian site, which emphasizes that Tunisians " who do not have the short memory are not close to forget his little sentence on single mothers ". During her tenure as a member of the Ennahda bloc from 2011 to 2014, Souad Abderrahim provoked outrage by human rights defenders by targeting single mothers. "Single mothers are an infamy for Tunisian society" and "should not aspire to a legal framework that protects their rights", she said in late 2011.

Believing in junk leaders

Militant of the first hour in the Tunisian General Union of Students ( UGTE ), Islamist student union dissolved in 1991 under Ben Ali, Souad Abderrahim was arrested at this time and knew the prison for two weeks. A few years later, she gives up the veil and devotes herself to the sale of pharmaceutical products. After the fall of Ben Ali, this businesswoman, mother of two children, returns to politics under the label of Ennahda, while defining herself as independent and displaying a modern woman's style.

For the site Leaders this election is revealing of the short sight and drifts of the Tunisian opposition, "which does not astonish us on the part of the dumbest left of the world". Same story on the site Business News who points the finger "an obscure progressive Tunisian current that is still struggling to hold the drama higher to the Islamist party. The fact that Souad Abderrahim became the mayor of Tunis is no exception to this rule and reminds us, once again, that Tunisia is far too big, too precious for these little charlatans of politics. "

And to assert: "Keep believing junk leaders while Ennahda gives lessons in political manipulation. Prepare yourself, your Tunisia, you will cry well in 2019 " year during which are scheduled legislative and presidential elections.

Hoda Saliby

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