Two dead and 12 injured in shooting in Toronto


Victims were taken to local hospitals.

Of the five people transported to St. Michaels, three patients immediately underwent emergency surgery, says Dr. Najma Ahmed, Medical Director of the Health Unit. Traumatology.

I ask the community to pray for all those who have been injured and their families, she says.

The Michael Garron Hospital has hosted seven people who had different wounds, according to spokeswoman Erica Di Maio. Two of them were gunshot wounds, she says.

In a scrum, shortly after 12:30, Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders said "all the police are doing well"

Unknown Shooter Identity

Danforth Avenue is generally very busy in the evening. Photo: Reuters / Chris Helgren

The police chief also indicated that an "exchange of fire" had taken place between the police and the shooter and that the shooter was dead.

M. Saunders did not confirm whether the attacker took his life or was killed by police bullets. His identity was not disclosed by the authorities.

He would be 29 years old, according to the Special Investigations Unit, which is looking into the matter. The SIU Investigates Serious Injury or Death Where Police Are Involved

Police officers in Toronto watch Danforth Street after the deadly shooting in Riverdale Ward. Photo: Getty Images / AFP / Cole Burston

For now, the police have no idea why. "He should be asked [au suspect] and he died," Saunders said. No hypothesis has yet been ruled out, he added. It is still too early to establish whether it is a terrorist act.

Toronto Police Handed Investigation to the Homicide Unit.

"A Terrible Scene"

the information was confirmed by the Toronto police, the shooter was driving on the sidewalks and was randomly pulling into the restaurants and bars on the busy Danforth Avenue in the evening.

Witnesses reported hearing up to 25 shots and seeing dead bodies on the floor

In this video posted on Instagram, we see the shooter aiming inward at a restaurant on Danforth Avenue. Photo: Instagram / @ arielanise

"We started hearing screaming people," Jody Steinhauer, who was at the Christina restaurant with her family on Danforth Avenue, told CBC

"I thought at first that it was fireworks," said John Tulloch, who was coming out of his vehicle as people started running around. on the street.

Tanya Wilson is the manager of the Skin Deep Tattoo tattoo studio located on Danforth Avenue. She was on the way to her shop when she heard the shots. She says she then saw two injured people walking towards her store.

They were shot, so I took them down the stairs, put on some gloves and tried to take care of them. better than I could. I turned off the lights and closed the doors because I did not know what was going on [dehors]

Tanya Wilson, Manager Skin Deep Tattoo Studio

Carrie Lahey says she was supping with her boyfriend at 7Numbers restaurant when she saw a man shoot a woman. "We were sitting on the terrace, and we heard gunshots, so we ran in, he went into the restaurant and shot the girl right in front of me," she says. [19659015Fearsintheneighborhood

A police officer stands on Danforth Avenue Photo: The Canadian Press / Frank Gunn

Akif Unal lives in the neighborhood where the shooting occurred. He is worried about his family. "My wife panics, she's at home, she's going to stay inside today," he says.

A native of Turkey, Mr. Unal did not think such an event could happen in Toronto.

I am an immigrant, I come from a place where there is a lot of terror, I would have hoped it would be calmer and more peaceful here, but things are what they are.

Akif Unal, Riverdale Ward resident

Another resident in the area, Kelly Swartz, says it "will take time to feel safe again."

According to the President of the Association of Toronto police Mike McCormack, members of the police force said they had never seen anything like it.

"It's a terrible scene," he told CBC. Families were having a good time on [l’avenue] Danforth, which is supposed to be a safe place, and this is happening. It's absolutely overwhelming.

Emergency services quickly arrived at the intersection of Danforth and Logan avenues around 10 pm

A city in shock

For its part, the mayor of the city, John Tory, urged the population not to jump to conclusions. "We can not conclude at this point because the Toronto police did not fire any. "

million. Tory also asked the witnesses to the scene, who are "probably many and who left quickly, and that's understandable," to call the police to give their testimony.

Toronto Mayor John Torry ( center), and police chief Mark Saunders (right) speak to the press. Photo: The Canadian Press / Christopher Katsarov

I am shocked that an incident like this can happen in our city

John Tory, Mayor of Toronto

Ontario Premier Doug Ford reacted on his Twitter account. "I am wholeheartedly with the victims of the horrific act of violence in Toronto. Thanks to all the first responders [qui ont agi] for helping those who are affected, "he wrote.

This drama confirms that the City of Toronto is grappling with serious gun problems, according to councilor Paula Fletcher, who visited the area.

Since the beginning of the year, the Queen City has been the scene of more than 220 shootings, leaving at least 27 dead, according to the Toronto police data. It has also increased its presence in the streets of the city since Friday, with 200 additional police patrol in certain neighborhoods at risk.

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