UN moves backwards on 2030 development goals


Achieving in 2030 a set of sustainable development goals set in 2015, it is the iron of launches from the UN. That said, yesterday the secretary general of the entity Antonio Guterres warned the Member States against a "reverse" in several areas, AFP points out.

It is during a meeting that is held for eight days and related to the advancement of countries towards these goals that the Secretary General noted considerable progress: "We have made significant progress in several areas around the world: reduction of infant and maternal mortality, development of basic education, improved access to electricity … "

However, black spots were also noted during the discussions. He said: "We are lagging or even falling behind in other areas that are essential to our shared commitment to leave no one behind." This event was an opportunity for 47 States to present "their progress and their shortcomings to achieve in the next 12 years, 17 sustainable development goals defined in 2015."

The objectives of this roadmap are intended to "Eradicate poverty, hunger, ensure health, well-being, education for all or gender equality" while preserving the environment and fighting global warming. And despite the positive points made at this meeting, the observation is clear: "for the first time in a decade, the number of undernourished has increased mainly because of conflict, drought and related disasters. to climate change ". And the UN boss concludes: "Gender inequality continues to block women and deprive them of basic rights and opportunities, and investment in essential sustainable infrastructure remains totally inadequate." [19659005] Work still needs to be done, particularly in terms of the environment, since the UN today calls the 2015 Paris Agreement "insufficient" and considers that the challenges we face are "more and more numerous. "

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