Union forces-Syndicate: a green march is announced from Tuesday


The trade union center CNTG-USTG met this Thursday, July 12 in an extraordinary general assembly enlarged to the actors of the social forces. For the spokesperson of the trade union center, Mamadou Mansaré and also Deputy Secretary General of the CNTG, it is a matter of setting up a movement to bend the Government.

In the same logic, Mamadou Mansaré has stated that all workers from all sectors, from Conakry, Coyah, Forécariah and Dubréka are invited to a very large general meeting on the Labor Exchange.

"From Tuesday, we will put in place a dynamic of the green march of all the Guinean working classes. The government of Ibrahima Kassory Fofana must hear the cry of the people's heart, "he said.

Speaking of the meeting, Mamadou Mansaré said that a concerted framework of movement has been put in place. place to bend the government and to say that the people of Guinea demand more social justice and equity.

"It's not just the lowering of fuel prices that we are asking for. We also demand social justice. The people have been dragged for a long time in the mud, "he denounced before deploring the fact that Guinea's choice against Morocco in the election for the World Cup is a shame for our country.

"It is necessary that light be made on this affair. You followed the election at the FIFA (International Federation of Football Associations), everyone was silent about it. It is the honor of a people that has been soiled … ", he regretted.

Speaking of his comrades who were arrested, Mamadou Mansaré said that a trade unionist has two houses, his home and prison. "Our comrades who are in prison are heroes. It is the green march that will free them, "he promised

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