UNPC demands that Thambwe Mwamba remove his insults against journalists in 24 hours


The National Press Union of the Congo goes to the brink and protests against '' how scornful, irresponsible and disrespectful the words of the Minister of Justice, Alexis Thambwe Mwamba, against Congolese journalists

In a press release signed Tuesday, July 17, Kasonga Tshilunde, president of the UNPC, expressed his indignation at the intervention of Alexis Thambwe Muamba, Minister of State in charge of justice held on Monday. July 16 at the tripartite CNSA-CENI-Government where he described as "shabby, miserable, people (journalists) who write anything for little money, 1,000 or 1,500 us dollars of Moses Katumbi and continue to give him the floor. "

" The National Press Union of Congo strongly protests and considers these remarks as unacceptable and unworthy of a statesman who, in his past, did not has no lesson of morality to give to the journalists " he wrote.

Therefore, the UNPC, '' requires from Thambwe Muamba the withdrawal, within 48 hours (as of Tuesday 17 July), of these insults, otherwise the profession will take serious measures of retaliation '' .