Unusual: Kim Kardashian spends a fortune to add fake testicles to his dog


Kim Kardashian is not watching when it comes to spending for her family. Her dog is no exception, she made him a "gift" rather surprising!

Kim Kardashian chooses decidedly very amazing fights. She has now decided to help her dog have fake testicles. And it's not a joke!

Rocky, a pampered dog

What if you were told that Kim Kardashian just spent a fortune on his dog? You would probably not be really surprised as the bimbo can make strange decisions . Just rethink in his own strange way to eat his noodles. It was thought, however, calmed down. After meeting with Donald Trump, Kim Kardashian committed to women prisoners. But, chase the natural, it comes back at a gallop.

We just learned that Kim Kardashian had spent 10,000 dollars to ask false testicles to his dog. The information, very serious was revealed by the New York Times . The venerable American newspaper even states that these are prostheses called "Neuticles". The goal? Help his dog Rocky not lose his self-esteem.

Kim Kardashian recently confided in Rocky. She has recently detailed the character of the animal.

Rocky is like me, his mother. He is really very cool and very calm and follows the flow.

The solution seems somewhat extreme. What do you think about it?

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