US asks for investigation


A Press Statement by the US State Department Spokesman July 16, 2018 on the website of the US Embassy in Cameroon recounts this video that shocked the opinion


The spokesman said that "the United States is seriously concerned about the recent video showing men wearing military uniforms executing two women and two children, including a baby. "

Indeed, for a few days in Cameroon, a video showing two men in uniform of the Cameroonian army shot down coldly two women and their children, made the cabbage of the press.

Noting that "the international media, Amnesty International and the Cameroonian human rights organizations attribute the act described in the video to the Cameroonian army, "the United States invites" the Government of Cameroon to investigate thoroughly and transparently the events described in the video, to make its findings public, and if the Cameroonian military personnel was involved in this atrocity, to punish them. "

The exit of the US government comes as the Cameroonian government through the Minister of Justice, attributed this video to Patrice Nganang, writer and activist. "The activist PATRICE NGANANG, who is the author, simply manipulated a series of images taken outside Cameroon, which he later mounted in a scenario to overwhelm the Defense Forces. Can you read in the minister's press release published on July 18.

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