victim of a huge scam, she lost an indecent amount!


Even the stars do not escape … The actress Demi Moore was the victim of a fraud credit card. According to the information website people TMZ it is a man of 35 years, named David Matthew Read who would be at the origin of the scam. The man would have managed to make believe the American banking system of the actress that the latter had lost his credit card. The latter would then have managed to intercept the new card sent and have fun in many shops …

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In total, about 170 000 dollars would have been stolen from the current account of Demi Moore (about 145 500 euros). A very large sum! The actress would not have realized the scam right away, but would nevertheless have filed a complaint seeing the large amounts being debited from her account. It was the surveillance cameras of a shop where the man used to go shopping that would have allowed the competent authorities to identify him last April and to put him behind the bars. According to TMZ, to this day, David Matthew Read is still locked up in Los Angeles jail.

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