video analysis points the responsibility of soldiers


The Bellingcat Collective and Amnesty International screened the locations, uniforms and weapons used to summarily kill two women and their children.

 Screenshot of the video of the execution of two women and their children. their children by suspected soldiers of the Cameroonian army

Credits: DR

This is a three-minute video that has spread on social networks and created scandal in Cameroon, and well beyond of the. It shows armed men, presumed military Cameroon, forcibly escort two women and their children on one of these dirt roads bordering fields tumbling down rocky hills. A dozen villagers follow. Among them, some are armed with sticks.

They are members of the local vigilance committee, self-defense groups formed throughout the Lake Chad region to protect the population from the incursions of the Nigerian jihadist group Boko Haram. These vigilance committees do not just defend. They are valuable in intelligence for the military they sometimes guide in operation.

In what appears to be the exit of a village, men armed with assault rifles kneel a woman and her daughter as well as another who is carrying his baby in the back. They are accused of being members of "BH" as they say there, for Boko Haram. Then the shots sound. At close range, three presumed soldiers shot the two blindfolded women and their children 23 bullets, including eight bullets for the baby.

Viral scandal

Are armed men soldiers of the regular Cameroonian army or its elite troops on the frontline of the Boko Haram war? Are they soldiers of the African Union Joint Multinational Force who track down jihadists in the entire Lake Chad Basin?

In a post posted on his Facebook account on July 18, the Cameroonian army continued to deny the involvement of his men. On July 15, four soldiers were supposed to have been arrested, according to military sources taken by Reuters agencies and AFP before being denied, Thursday, July 19 in the evening by the Minister of Information. The images could have been shot three or three times ago …

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