(Video): "Lord, let me die. In her hospital bed, she loses her three children in a …


"Lord, let me die. In an interview with her hospital bed, Tia Coleman described the horrible duck boat crash that killed 17 people – including her three young children, aged 9, 7 and 1 year old

moving was organized during the night for the 17 people killed during the capsizing of a tourist duck during a violent thunderstorm in Missouri.

Flowers were thrown into the water where the victims – many of them children, just a year old – have lost their lives. A survivor who lost nine members of her family talks about what happened when she was thrown into the water. "I said Lord, let me die, let me die, I can not continue to drown, I can not continue drowning, and then I let go," said Tia Coleman. Tia Coleman survived duck tragedy in Branson, Missouri – but nine of her family members, including her sister-in-law, died, according to ABC News

"She was there with her 13-year-old daughter 3 years old, I was there with my husband and our three children aged 9, 7 and 1. My in-laws were there, my mother in law and my stepfather and then the uncle who lives with them.

His 13-year-old nephew was his only relative to survive. "I could not see anyone, I did not hear anything, I did not hear screams, it was like I was alone," said Coleman. She described the horrifying moments when the duck reached the lake. Tia Coleman said, "Everyone starts to look like," Hey, it's a little too much, "and then it became very jerky and big waves of water started to arrive in the boat. The boat was wrapped in water.

Coleman added, "I said Jesus keep me, keep me so that I can go to my children, keep me Lord and I can swim and swim as fast as I can and I could not to reach the lifejackets, I swam the boat and I was holding, but my legs and arms were so heavy to try, they were so heavy.

Coleman said there were lifejackets on board.

"They showed us where they were, but they told us," Do not worry, you will not need it. ", did she say. "When this boat is found, all these lifejackets are going to be there, you were not supposed to catch them unless you were in distress, which we were, without a doubt, a life changing event. which changes the life

Djily Mbayang Mbaye

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