(Video + photos) – Fight against Cancer: Guigui "claw" Diouf Sarr, adoube Khalifa Sall


The singer Guigui who is active in the social fight against the fight against cancer started her day with a hike before continuing her actions.

She took the opportunity to thank the Minister of Culture Abdou Latif Coulibaly, but believes that "namoul dara" that Khalifa Sall began to support her activities.

On the other hand, one she did not not forgotten to give him his "drugs, it is the Minister of Health, Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr. "I take care of the fight against cancer, not other things. Apart from mosquito nets and soaped liquid, he did not do anything. Their slogan Social Action must be changed because they are not in the social ", so-and-so threw all claws out on the Department of Health.




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