video showing Ivanka Trump's sexual assault on TV goes back to the surface


The video was released in 2007, but it surfaced only a few days ago. While she was invited to the show by famous host Jimmy Kimmel eleven years ago, Ivanka Trump had to face a sexual assault. Actor and producer Andy Dick, who starred in movies, TV movies, and had his own show on MTV, was on the show as well, sitting next to Donald Trump's daughter.

"Donald Trump is going to kill us both "

While Ivanka Trump talks about her professional activities, she pauses to say" I have no idea what he's doing behind me ". After grabbing his hand and staring at his legs, the actor questions him on the glitter he sees on his skin, before caressing his knee. Ivanka Trump then offended and tried to withdraw her hand several times while keeping smiling.

"Did I say that I was single? I have a boyfriend," she reacts.

Jimmy Kimmel then stands up to force his guest to step aside, while asking him to stop and saying "Donald Trump will kill us both."

Several similar accusations

the comedian himself who republished this footage on his Instagram account six months ago, boasting of "fiddling with" Ivanka Trump. "His legs were shining, and I wanted to see if we could remove the glitter," he wrote under the video. "I also thought she was going out with me," he adds, adding that he was taken to the exit after the show was over.

"She's out (from the set he wanted a big kisses, it was time for Andy to go so I accompanied him to the exit, "explained Jimmy Kimmel, questioned about this sequence, confident that the actor was" next to the plaque". "It always makes me a little uncomfortable," added the presenter, which the US media reports.

If the video comes out today in the US media, it's because Andy Dick was arrested and charged with sexual assault after touching the buttocks of a stranger last April on a street in Los Angeles, accompanying his gesture (repeated twice) with salacious remarks. Since 2010, he has been the subject of several similar charges. In 2017, he was notably accused of touching, kissing or licking and making sexual proposals to at least four people on the set of the same film.

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