What compromised the Nigeria and Mali band


It is necessary to believe that the case Ibrahima Ly of the name of the French-Senegalese sentenced by justice to 15 years of forced labor for acts of terrorism by association of criminals and apology of terrorism serves as jurisprudence. He was compromised by his stay in Syria and his appearance in a video of the Islamic State after the Charlie Hebdo attacks in 2015. The French-Senegalese arrested in Turkey and expelled to Senegal, made threatening remarks in this video recording that the Senegalese investigators managed to obtain.
Even though Matar Diokhané (20 years of forced labor) and his henchmen Mouhamed Ndiaye aka Abu Youssouf (15 years of forced labor), Ibrahima Diallo said Abu Omar (15 years of forced labor, Oumar Yaffa or Abu Hafs (10 years forced labor), Sheikh Ibrahima said Abu Khaled (10 years of forced labor), Lamine Coulibaly alias Abu Jafar ((10 years of forced labor), Latyr Niang said Abu Musa (5 years of forced labor), Abdul Aziz Dia or Abu Zoubeir (10 years of forced labor), Aboubacry Diallo aka Abu Jandel (10 years of forced labor), Mouhamed Lamine Mballo said Abu Zilkifli (5 years of forced labor), Ibrahima Mballo said Abu Musa (10 years of forced labor) n ' did not have this feat, it is necessary to recognize that their stay in Nigeria, in territories controlled by Boko Haram did not militate in favor of their acquittal Abdou Hakim Mbacké Bao (15 years of forced labor) knew the same fate for his activism within AQIM. in the links of detention, the judge will need to rely only on the crime of terrorist acts by criminal association. Clearly, for the room, the fact for the above-mentioned to have stayed with Boko Haram and AQIM helped to make them condemn even when the sentences are not similar. Saliou Ndiaye completes the list of defendants sentenced to imprisonment. Admittedly, he failed to join a jihadist movement, but the facts showed that the man did everything for. Indeed, after a first attempt that would lead him to Afghanistan, Saliou Ndiaye who confessed his sympathy for Osama Bin Laden retried the coup, but this time in Syria. Had it not been for the visa denied him, Baye Zale today would count among the fighters of jihadist groups that abound in the country of Bashar al Assad. To all these compromising facts for Matar Diokhané and his entourage, are added their meeting with Abubakar Shekau considered as an international terrorist by all the great world powers. After a dispute over the possession of the identity card and the notion of takfir (excommunication), the emir of Boko Haram, then governor of the Islamic State province in West Africa had asked his Senegalese hosts to arm yourself with endurance and patience. Following this meeting, they called for the rescue Matar Diokhané to deliver them. After a two-day trip, the Qur'an master who officiated in Handaq for a staggering salary of 1500 euros monthly, here it is in the forest of Sambisa. Diokhané meets Shekau and persuades him to release the Senegalese who wanted to return to Senegal. However, he did not talk to the court about the content of his discussion with Shekau, which lasted more than eight hours. For the prosecution, the accused Diokhané, who is a very good speaker, had to make promises to Shekau to get the latter to "release" the Senegalese who had muddled with him. The prosecution is all the more convinced of the existence of a pact between Shekau and Diokhan that the latter has benefited from 6 million nairas at the end of his interview with the leader of Boko Haram. Asked about this head-to-head that took place in a tent in a village in the forest of Sambisa, Matar Diokhané was content to say that he discussed anything and nothing with the formidable Aboubakar Shekau. The organization of the return of his compatriots and the conditions to which he submitted them compromised him more and made him a leader. Status which he did not manage to divest during the hearings. His sentence of 20 years of forced labor and that of his associates for the sentences listed above is explained …

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