what to remember from Michel Delpuech's hearing in the Assembly


VIDEOS – Before the commission of inquiry of the Assembly, the prefect of police of Paris did not hesitate to answer to the accusations of Gerard Collomb, denouncing "individual excesses unacceptable, condemnable, against a backdrop of unwholesome copinings"

After the hearing of the Minister of the Interior, Gérard Collomb, it was the turn of Michel Delpuech to explain Monday against the commission of inquiry of the National Assembly. Before about fifty deputies of all political edges, the prefect of police of Paris did not hesitate, during a little more than two hours, to answer the accusations of the tenant of the hotel of Beauvau. The latter had, a few hours earlier on Monday, pointed to possible failures on the part of the police headquarters, and the chief of staff Emmanuel Macron. Michel Delpuech will speak again Wednesday, this time before the commission of the laws of the Senate, also constituted in commission of investigation.

»ALSO READ – DIRECT – Case of Benalla:" unacceptable drifts "on" bottom of unhealthy cronyism ", according to Delpuech

•" It was established to me that the subject Benalla was treated by the hierarchical authority on which he depended "

Michel Delpuech began by denying the words of Gerard Collomb, who assured him that it was up to the police headquarters to take sanctions against Alexandre Benalla as early as 2 May. "I am under the authority of the executive authorities," he explained. He said he had learned of the video showing the violent acts of the former bodyguard by Laurent Hottiaux, interior counselor and security at the Elysee. "He came to see me" about the Benalla case ". I do not understand what he tells me, and he explains to me that there is a video on the social networks which shows this episode of legitimate violence which puts him in question, "he said. After that, the prefect said he had contacted the Ministry of the Interior, who said he was "already in contact" with the Presidency of the Republic. Therefore, "it was established for me that the subject Benalla was treated by the hierarchical authority on which he depended," he said.

• Alexandre Benalla, a "known interlocutor"

While Gerard Collomb disputed knowing Alexandre Benalla, whose functions he did not know even if he had necessarily "crossed" during the election campaign of Emmanuel Macron , the prefect assured that this representative at the Elysee "was a known interlocutor". The deputy chief of staff of the presidency played a large role in the security surrounding the head of state and was in regular contact with police officials. Nevertheless, Michel Delpuech said he had "personally led the return of the Blues", winners of the World Cup football. And this, without the reserve officer of the gendarmerie interferes.

• "Unacceptable individual drift, condemnable against a backdrop of unhealthy cronyism"

"Basically, these events result from unacceptable individual excesses, condemned on bottom of unhealthy cronyism, "accused Michel Delpuech. During the hearing, the Prefect of Police wished to clarify the scope of his remarks by indicating that this "cronyism" was aimed above all the three officials of the Directorate of Public Order and Traffic (DOPC) of the prefecture police charged and Alexandre Benalla.Three high-ranking police are believed to have provided the former Macron employee video surveillance footage Wednesday night. Acts testify to an "inappropriate proximity", according to the interviewee.

Delpuech denounces "unacceptable individual drift, against a backdrop of unhealthy cronyism" – Watch on Figaro Live

"READ ALSO – Who are the protagonists of the Benalla affair?

• "The IGPN is not competent for persons who do not belong to the national police"

According to the prefect of police, many officials have become acquainted over the days of the video of May 1 and theoretically could have brought to justice under Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. "If police violence had been carried out by police officers, of course the General Inspectorate of the National Police would have been seized," he said. "But the IGPN is not competent for persons who do not belong to the national police."

 Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

• Delpuech "astonished" by Benalla's presence on the evening of May 1

On the evening of the May 1 protests, Alexandre Benalla was present at the police command post, to take stock of the events of the day. Michel Delpuech, who claims to have personally authorized the president's aide to observe police interventions, said he was "surprised" by his presence. "Her presence astonishes me as she astonishes my collaborators on the theme" what is he doing here ", he said. Before clearing customs: "The last arrests occurred at 23 hours. My priority was to manage the end of the demonstrations, and after, I prepared the arrival of the Prime Minister on the ground. "

Michel Delpuech:" I discovered with surprise and astonishment the presence of Benalla "- Watch on Figaro Live

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