Whatsapp now reports messages that have been forwarded


Whatsapp develops. After deleting the messages sent for everyone, the application now indicates messages transferred from one discussion to another.

The Whatsapp messaging application continues to grow. After the appearance of the deletion of the messages sent "for all" (until 1h8m16s after its sending) and the emojis, here comes the signaling of the transferred messages. In any case, what the platform announced on its website three days ago.

"From this day (July 10, 2018), WhatsApp will indicate which messages have been transferred to you. This indication will help make individual and group discussions easier to follow. This will help you know if your friends or contacts have written the message they sent you, or if it was originally sent by someone else. To see this new symbol indicating that a message has been transferred, you must have the latest supported version of WhatsApp on your phone.

This icon will be visible on the texts, image, video and audio file. "Your security is very important for WhatsApp. We encourage you to handle the transferred messages carefully before transferring them to your turn. " Your security is very important for WhatsApp. We encourage you to handle the transferred messages carefully before transferring them to your turn. For the record, you can report as spam or block a contact very easily. You can also contact WhatsApp for help. For more information, please visit our WhatsApp Security Tips page. " tells Whatsapp on his blog.

So you understand that the last update of your app is so imperative to get this functionality.

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