Withdrawal of street children: 339 found their families


Thirty-six hundred children were removed from the streets as part of the state operation to that effect. Of these, 339 were placed in their respective families in the second phase of the program, started since last March.

These figures were revealed on the Day of the African Child, this Tuesday, in the presence of the Minister of Good Governance and Child Protection, Ndèye Ramatoulaye Guèye Diop

"The initiative is no longer conducted at the national level by the minister's office, informs the director of the promotion of the rights of the child. child, Niokhobaye Diouf, taken over by Zik Fm. It is decentralized at the level of the departmental committees for child protection, led by the Prefects who develop operational strategies with the police stations. By relying on the local devices that exist in particular the reception centers and daaras that could accommodate children. "

Author: DIE BA – Seneweb.com

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