Xi Jinping begins his tour of the Middle East and Africa


Chinese President Xi Jinping will begin his tour of the Middle East and Africa on Thursday. Chinese experts said the visits could help more countries benefit from China's "Belt and Road" initiative.

M. Xi will visit the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Senegal, Rwanda, South Africa and Mauritius. Xi's visit to the United Arab Emirates will be the first of a Chinese head of state for 29 years.

He will meet with Sheikh Mohammed ben Rachid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the country, as well as the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed ben Zayed Al-Nahyan. He will also attend a welcoming ceremony, an agreement signing ceremony and a welcome banquet, Deputy Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou said at a press briefing in Beijing on July 13.

Hua Liming, former Chinese ambassador to the UAE, told the Global Times on Wednesday that "the UAE has a deep relationship with China in trade and labor since the 1980s. Crown Prince Mohammed is a visionary and ambitious figure of the new generation of Middle Eastern leaders. He thinks that China will become a huge energy market, and thus fully supports energy cooperation with China. "

The Belt and Road Initiative offered both sides new opportunities for deepen their cooperation, Hua said. "In order to bring China upstream of its energy market ( l upstream segment, sometimes referred to as" exploration and production ", is devoted to the exploration and extraction of resources, ndlr ), the UAE has offered special management and exploitation rights to Chinese companies for the land and sea oil fields. "

Both parties are expected to achieve success in various areas of the The Belt and the Road ", especially in cooperation in production capacity, but also in energy, agriculture, finance, customs, scientific research and cultural engagement and among peoples, said Deputy Minister Kong.

Among the countries of the Middle East, the UAE is at the forefront of technological innovation, and is also more stable and globalized than others in the region, Hua said. . "For example, UAE is surrounded by deserts, and seawater desalination technology has helped modernize and expand their agricultural industry without causing serious pollution. Thus, future Sino-UAE cooperation will not be limited to energy. "

This will be Xi's first foreign visit since re-election as president in March, and is a major diplomatic gesture to developing countries in a changing international context, Mr. Kong said.

Collective Development

After his visit to the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Xi will also visit several African countries

Xi's visit to Senegal will be the first of a Chinese president in nine years, and Xi's first in a West African country. His visit to Rwanda will also be the first of a Chinese president.

"In addition to South Africa and Mauritius, other African countries on its route are underdeveloped. Strengthening the links with these countries could enable them to benefit more from the "Belt and Road" initiative, which could also help these countries to achieve collective development, "said Wang Yiwei, director of the Institute International Affairs of Renmin University of China in Beijing

M. Wang also noted that China needed to expand the existing Mombasa-Nairobi rail network to link landlocked Rwanda in an effort to help the country gain more development opportunities.

"The West criticizes China for having views of Africa's resources, but this trip may help to overturn these critics, and show that China is committed to the collective development of the continent, "Wang said. [19659016] <! – enpproperty 57793438 2018-07-19 11: 05: 04: 0 Xi Jinping begins his tour of the Middle East and Africa Xi Jinping, Middle East, Africa tour 习近平 中东 非洲 之 旅 有助于 传播 一带 一路 价值 1002 2,044,930 INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL http://images.china.cn/site1002/2018 -07 / 19 / t2_ (0X0X544X306) 6fecee0b-6e60-4e11-b96c-3d03b8efb1cd.jpg [19659026] http://images.china.cn/site1002/2018- 07/19 / t2_ (0X0X544X306) 6fecee0b-6e60-4e11-b96c-3d03b8efb1cd.jpg http://french.china.org.cn/foreign/txt/2018-07/19/content_57793438.htm null Sofia french.china.org.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping will begin his tour of the Middle East and Africa on Thursday. Chinese experts said the visits could help more countries benefit from China's "Belt and Road" initiative. 1 / enpproperty ->

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