yesterday's criminal session was sent back


RCA: yesterday's criminal session was postponed

By – 17/07/2018

The reason for this dismissal is the lack of documents by the council of the Court of Appeal of Bangui

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The first file entered in the role of the criminal court of the Bangui Court of Appeal for the year 2018 has been sent back for Thursday 19 July. Rose Kpiamalé's counsel says she does not have all the necessary documents to defend her client, accused of murder.


The first case entered in the role of the criminal court of the Court of Appeal of Bangui for the year 2018 was sent back for Thursday 19 July. Rose Kpiamalé's counsel says she does not have all the necessary documents to defend her client, accused of murder.


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"You can not argue for a person without having the substance of the case. I asked the court to return this case to allow the communication of the merits of the case and prepare the defense of my client so that the justice that must be rendered can be fair "justified Me Anatole Max Maïtovo, lawyer of defense
A request accepted by the President of the court Thierry Joachim Pessire, who finally fixed the appointment for next Thursday.
Rose Kpiamalé is accused of being at the origin of the death of a person in Ouango district in the 7th district of Bangui in September 2016. His fate will be fixed this Thursday after the arguments of his defense that has three days.


"You can not argue for someone without having the substance of the case. I asked the court to return this case to allow the communication of the merits of the case and prepare the defense of my client so that the justice that must be rendered can be fair "justified Me Anatole Max Maïtovo, lawyer of the defense
A request accepted by the President of the court Thierry Joachim Pessire, who finally fixed the appointment for next Thursday.
Rose Kpiamalé is accused of causing the death of a person in Ouango district in the 7th district of Bangui in September 2016. His fate will be fixed this Thursday after the arguments of his defense that has three days.

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