Yorokoguéyah: Bantama Sow impressed by the work of Antonio Souare – Guinea Morning


The Minister of Sports, Culture and Historical Heritage made this Sunday, July 22, 2018, a visit to the football training center of Antonio Souaré. A sports complex located in Yorokoguéyah in Dubréka prefecture. Sanoussy Bantama Sow went to see the work in progress on site. And his report is quite satisfactory, found Guineematin.com through one of his reporters.

This is the first visit of the current Minister of Sports, Culture and Heritage, Sanoussy Bantama Sow, in the center football player that President of the Guinean Football Federation, Antonio Souaré, is building at Yorokoguéyah in Dubréka prefecture. A complex comprising two almost completed stadiums, a technical center, housing for players and a high-class hotel among others.

After visiting all the facilities and seeing the work already done, the Minister noted a highly satisfactory report "What I saw here is no how, it's come-see. The only thing I have to say after visiting this complex is to pray to the good God that he gives health and long life to Antonio Souaré so that this project can be completed. Because the problem of Guinea is that people do not know is that it is investing, so-called rich men are often like the one who sells cakes. He buys the flour, makes the cakes and sells them for immediate interest. People do not have a vision to say that I'm going to invest millions today to get them back in 10 years. What Antonio is doing, I assure you that Guinea will reap the benefits. And I tell myself that if this center succeeds, the cuts of Africa to come Guinea will have no competitors. I had the opportunity to visit Génération Foot in Senegal, I visited the Djambar Institute which is one of the largest centers of Senegal, but it is not comparable with what I saw here » Bantama Sow said

The Minister congratulated and encouraged Antonio Souaré for this initiative before inviting others to take his example, investing in areas that could contribute to the development of Guinea. Sanoussy Bantama Sow had to speak also on this occasion, on the preparations for the African Cup of Nations 2023 scheduled in Guinea. He reassured those who are still skeptical about Guinea's ability to host the competition.

"First, before CAN 2023, we decided to win the CAN 2019, because the technical center will be operational soon and by 2019, I think this center will also be operational. Now, with regard to the construction of infrastructure for the CAN 2023, I assure you that we are going to do it. Not three days ago, the President of the Republic called me, he put me in touch with someone who works on infrastructure in Cameroon. And, the COCAN and the ministry are working to make this beautiful holiday succeed.

Some people think today that Guinea is late but we are not late. I want to remind you that there are two CANs separating us from the CAN 2023. And most investors we met, they are able to make a stadium in less than a year. In the week that will begin, we will meet the Prime Minister who will give us a clear and clear roadmap to enter the phase of completion of work for the CAN 2023 in Guinea, "said the Minister in charge of sports.

For his part, the minister's host welcomed this visit. For Antonio Souaré, the arrival of Bantama Sow in his center under construction, is a cause of pride that will only galvanize him: "It's always a pride when a senior official of your country comes to see what you have done and you have also made a contribution, because this work is not done for me or for my children, it is done for the Guinean youth. For Guinean football and African football

So it is a great pride that the leaders, the decision makers of the country come to see what has already been achieved and what remains to be done. Hopefully we will open this center before December 2019. Because today everything is in place except the 15,000-seat stadium which will be completed by May-June. And I assure you that at the end of next year, club competitions will be held here in Yorokoguéyah. So it's a great pride, thank you Minister, thank you to the President of the Republic, "said the president of the FGF.

Alpha Fafaya Diallo for Guineematin.com

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