You will still cry your Tunisia.


By Marouen Achouri

Each victory of Ennahdha puts back to back those who resemble an obscure progressive Tunisian movement that is still struggling to keep the Islamist party aloof. The fact that Souad Abderrahim became mayor of Tunis is no exception to this rule and reminds us, once again, that Tunisia is far too big, too precious for these little charlatans of politics.

Unfortunately for Tunisia, in these dark years of laborious learning, the "national progressive current" is represented by small calculators who see themselves as outstanding politicians. Take this unfortunate experience of Civil Union. At once the defeat pronounced that one began to shoot in the paws, to suspect both of having fomented a plot with Ennahdha. They can not integrate the fact that Ennahdha does not need to plot with one of you because it beats you all together! Start by respecting your elector, to whom you have promised the alternative, to be neither on the edge of Nidaa nor that of Ennahdha. Do not go to vote, or call to vote, either because "it's politics". Yet it's simple, do not do what you denounce, do not lie and understand that you do not understand anything at all.

The spectacle offered by several small leaders of supposedly progressive political stalls is simply distressing. A little more and they would all be relieved to see Ennahdha win because it would have been unbearable for them to see the neighbor next door win. Better still, he would have been completely excluded from helping him win. They then take refuge on the social networks, where they have been made to believe that they were leaders with likes and comments, and they indulge in the little phrase and the well-turned expression. They lay out enlightened analyzes by teaching us all what to do, what to think. In reality, the size of their egos goes hand in hand with the immensity of their incompetence. When they are all on the canvas -because obviously it will not go any further-they feel like gladiators in an arena and do not realize that they are just a handful of chicks beat in a nest.

The Civil Union, embodied by Mehdi Rebaï in Tunis, is no exception to the rule. After campaigning against the Ennahdha-Nidaa duo, Mr. Rebai chose to join Nidaa Tounes at the decisive moment. Beyond the analyzes that could be done in relation to this decision and the supposed breach of the trust contract with the voters, it is interesting to stop on the reactions. It only took a Facebook status for everyone to return to their original positions. They forgot that there was a union and they started to remember that Mehdi Rebai is Afek, while the other is Badil and the third is Machrouû. Even their leaders entered this game saying "we did not vote for Souad, the others we do not know". And to say that it was hoping to beat Ennahdha, even Nidaa Tounes, in the worst of his states, would beat you down.

We can also remember the episode Colibe with Bochra Belhaj Hmida. The lady found herself surprisingly alone against the attacks of fundamentalists and enemies of rights and freedoms. Where did the "National Progressive Current" go? The report drafted by the commission chaired by Bochra Belhaj Hmida was a great opportunity to put the political lines back, to send Ennahdha back to the square from which she tries to escape from the famous separation of politics and preaching. But the parties claiming progressivism, apart from a few, preferred to wait and not show immediate support and support. This gave Ennahdha all the necessary latitude to master the tempo and set the tone, so that he would never be exceeded by having several moves in advance. "National Progressive Current" is pretty as a denomination, but a "current" is moving.

Fans of these little Sunday politicians will now be able to "cry over their Tunisia" or torture their minds about Souad Abderrahim's political feminism. They will be able to recover from the statutes of Olfa Youssef and Leila Toubel while waiting for the next shameless on the part of the Islamists. Continue to believe in junk leaders while Ennahdha teaches lessons of political manipulation. Prepare yourself, your Tunisia, you will cry it in 2019.

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