Zimbabwean pastor selling tickets to paradise, arrested – News from Burkina Faso 24 hours a day


A pastor who sold tickets to return to heaven was arrested by the police on June 28 for financial crime.

Pastor Tito Wats sold to his followers tickets of $ 500 or just over 250,000 Fcfa intended to open them the door of paradise.

The pastor at the judgments said he felt persecuted because he strives to do the work of God.

The police told the press that during In her interrogation, she discovered that the pastor was able to convince his faithful that he was personally informed by Jesus Christ during their meeting, that these "pure gold" tickets guaranteed them salvation.

In this country where the average salary is $ 2 a day, thousands of people demonstrate for his release on the pretext that they have disbursed this $ 500 amount intended to buy the ticket of paradise without any constraint and that they are free to do use of their arge as they feel it.

Kouamé L.-Ph. Arnaud KOUAKOU


Source: BBC Africa

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