THE GREAT TRADITION IN THE EXCURSION: Sarah (16) the Companions found MRTVU! Now it's a "killer" and everyone is shocked! (VIDEO) | planet


  GREAT TRADITION IN THE TOUR: Sarah (16 years old) found the companions in MRTVU!

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The school trip ended with a tragedy when teenage girl Sara Manitoski (16 years of Canada was found dead and now the cause of her death was found [19659004] Sarah her peers after returning to Breakfast found her crawling on the bed at rest, next to the on-board alarm, and the hospitals tried to revive, but without success.

It was found that a girl died of a toxic shock syndrome. This was concluded on the basis of the symptoms Sara had, and a bacterium Staphylococcus aureus was found on the tampon in her body.

This bacterium creates toxins that cause fever, aggression and death. The biggest risk is for girls who have not yet built antibodies, but men, boys and men are also attacked at menopause.

Other risk factors are burns or skin lesions, or viral infections like the flu. This situation is extremely rare and in 2016, only 40 of these cases were reported in the United States.

Women who have their menses with more frequent tampons prevent the development of bacteria and cause a toxic shock.

"Few things are known about it and should be worked out, so it happened to a young person so incredible and useless to do tragedy!", Wrote at the end of last year in Sarjsbuku Sarli.

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