When the First Republic of Zadar was held on February 20, the victory was won Sloba Radanović and one of the gifts was a casket.

Sloba gave the coat to the girlfriend Luni Đogani who was delighted with the expensive gift.

Yet a month before the Zadruga final, the soldier's relationship broke and Lepi Mić tried to turn Luna back to the coffin. . She said that she would

However, that has not happened yet …

Bunda is with me in the closet, where and where he should be. It's mine, I deserved it! Apart from this package, I remembered other memories of the letters that I had saved. He wrote for me on vacation: Love's Day, Eighth March, Birthday … Letters are superimposed, kept and read from time to time – Luna says

THAT RELIGION IS INTRIGED EVERYTHING! Luna Ogani left Serbia, and did not say that he was sent to the East MESTO! (PHOTO)

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