Tanning – sun protection


And what happens when we sit in the shade? Here is what you should know about the sun and the sun.

  Sunshine, Sun

Photo: MONDO / Bojana Zimonjić Jelisavac

Products with a protection factor adapted to your type of skin are essential to you every time you get out in the sun because they protect against harmful UV rays. Although we all know it, it is sometimes difficult to resist the temptation and the desire to get a little pencil.

But when we consider everything we know about the harmful effects of the sun and the dangers that we are exposed to trying to flourish, your skin can resist, and when it is better to keep it in the shade.

How long do we have to start?

We start to blush when UVA comes into contact with the skin. Once the air gets into the deeper layers of the epidermis, the cells begin to produce melanin.

Melanin is a common name for a group of natural pigments present in our body. In addition to determining the color of our hair and eyes, they are also "deserving" for the tanning that occurs when the skin is exposed to the sun.

This pigment also protects the skin against burns, people whose body naturally creates more melanin very rarely can "burn" in the sun

But if you have light or very bright skin, your body produces less melanin and skin does not have this "natural" defense against UVB rays that cause burns, the British "Indipendent" 19659005] People with very shiny skin will literally react to the sun for several minutes, so the risk burning is considerably higher.

It is therefore very important not to bark without the sunscreen that suits your skin type 19659004]

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Do You Think We Can Do It Safely?

Well … not exactly, any exposure to the sun without proper protection increases the risk of skin cancer

Can we grow if we use products with the appropriate protective factor?

To the happiness of all who love "

The products of protective factor only protect the skin against dangerous UV rays, prolonging the time we can spend in the sun without risk of burns

What is the highest factor, better protection, say that the SPF 50 filters about 98% UV rays, but there is no single product.

However, it is possible to become darker if you keep it. The bill goes this way, if we do not protect it in the sun we can spend 10 minutes before the skin starts to burn, if we take the factor 50, that time will be extended by 50 times, which means that theoretically you can spend 500 minutes before you burn

But these means only increase the time you have before you start to feel the effects of the sunburn, and how fast and how fast you do it. will have no influence on him

Should we use a protective agent and when do we plan to be in the shadows?

The guards are advised to cut them in this case. The fact that you are in the shade or that it is a cloudy day does not mean that UV rays do not work.

So even when you're under an umbrella, apply regular sunscreen, that's the only way to protect. ] Here's a little help:

 tan, sun, radiance

picture: MONDO / Mario Milojevic

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