If you can not get angry, can you have coffee in the wrong way?


If you can not get angry, could you have drunk coffee in bad shape?

Are you, perhaps, among those who can not get up in the morning, despite having already drunk coffee? ] Thursday, 12.07.2018. | 08:43

Despite the fact that caffeine helps people get sick, a lot of coffee in the afternoons can not get sick and go to a new day.

However, research on drivers has shown that this condition can be overcome. The best thing for this is – still sleeping.

Experts from the Sleep Laboratory at the University of Lafarge University, UK, have come to the conclusion that another fifteen minutes of sleep, after drinking from coffee, increases alertness.

Caffeine takes 45 minutes for everyone. It is however a long period of sleep, because the brain then enters the deeper phases of sleep. Research shows that it is the best solution – sleep for fifteen minutes.

Caffeine blocks the production of adenosine compounds, which accumulate more and more in the human body and eventually dive.

Therefore, if you are afraid immediately after coffee and can avoid the consequences of this, you will be able to "cheat" the body to relax it later and be more ready for new daily tasks [19659004]]! function (f, b, e, h, n, t, s)
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