Sex addiction is a mental illness


13. 07. 2018.

WHO: Sex addiction is a mental illness

The World Health Organization officially classified compulsive sexual behavior, or sex addiction, as a mental illness

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Sexual compulsivity is on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) -11, which marks a turning point in the lives of those who suffer from the disease and want to be treated.

The WHO does not consider that sex dependence is "measured" by the number of partners or the frequency of sexual intercourse. Addiction refers to the impact of sex on a person's life until she begins to ignore her health, care, and other interests, activities, and responsibilities.

For a sexual compulsion to be diagnosed, a person must have symptoms for at least six months.

Ignoring obligations and responsibilities due to sexual addiction can affect the work, learning, family and friends of a person who suffers, independent reports.

Experts from around the world have hailed the WHO's decision as it will lead to the research and treatment of the sick. Although there are currently several treatments, they hope this will change soon.

Many people who suffer from sexual addiction have a hard time accepting.

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