Congratulations to Novak Djokovic for winning the cup at Wimbledon, and not contradicting his athleticism, Miodrag Linta, president of the Serbs' Alliance of the region, criticized today. the world champion for stating that he would participate in the finals
In a statement to the media, Linta says that Djokovic should know that Croatian footballers have played four consecutive games at the World Cup in Russia in black jerseys that look like ustachian uniforms of N DH
It is also said that these jerseys were proposed by the former coach of the Croatian national team Josip Simunic, "become particularly popular in Croatia in 2013, after the Croatian match against Croatia against Iceland and 30.000 Croatians Linta believes that it is the most direct combination of sport and politics, and highlights that Croatia has not yet officially condemned the genocide against Serbs, Jews and Roma in the NDH by the adoption of the Declaration in the Croatian Parliament, neither did Kat did a church in Croatia and Bosnia.
By collecting examples that prove that the Ustashas are essentially the so-called Ustashas for Croatia today. Linta says that it is "immoral and dishonorable that Novak Djokovic or any other sports or public figure in Serbia is courting this kind of Croatia".
The time, he adds, hurts hundreds of thousands of Serbian victims "since the infamous NDH and thousands of dead Serbs whose killers have not been punished since the infamous Tudjman regime. "
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