Support in Paris for an agreement on Kosovo, Macron in Serbia on December 1st (VIDEO) Politics


Macron and Vucic in the French capital examined all key issues for the Balkans, including the resolution of the KiM issue. Possible entry into the EU by 2025 if Belgrade and Brussels complete the reforms

It is very important for us in Serbia that we have received support from the French President to find a compromise solution with the Albanians of Kosovo and not to assure peace only in the future A year or two, but lastingly, in order to focus on accelerated economic progress.

After meeting the first man of France, Emanuel Macron, at the Palais des Elysées, this was announced Tuesday by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. On the other hand, the host said that Serbia could become part of the European Union by 2025 if its reforms are completed by then, and that Paris will help solve the most sensitive issues, but that it is also necessary to reform it until then. and the EU itself. However, as he added, Serbia should not consider 2025 as "an automatic criterion".

READ MORE: Zlatan de Svilajnac "hosted" Vucic at the Palace of the Elysee

Two officials spoke much longer was expected. Instead of the scheduled 30 minutes, they talked for over an hour and started exchanging their greeting cards. Vucic congratulated Makron for the title of world football champion, and the French president awarded him another Novak Djokovic trophy at Wimbledon.

They then found themselves on much slippery ground. As stated by the Serbian President, he discussed with his host all the key issues for the Balkans and said that our region is "looking back at France":

– I would like to congratulate Makron for the return of France in Europe and in the world. Our talks focused on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and all other regional relations, and we reached a consensus on the maintenance of peace and stability, the search for solutions together and the future, in which we expect the support of France

According to Vucic, the dialogue with Macro was one of the most open that he had with world leaders:

– We discussed potential solutions for the question of Kosovo, how to reach a compromise, but which would not be humiliating for Serbia.

Vucic said that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was hoping for support and that if "there is hope":

President Macron said: "Yes, what you say is significant to Alexander but the question is whether Albanians and Serbs will be able to accept it. "

Macron's desire of As Vucic said, it does not contradict the approach of Serbia:

– All that Makoron says he wants to receive us, will not be accepted until we have resolved the problems of Kosovo and Metohija. Will we succeed that? You know I'm not a big optimist, but I'll do my best to do it.

Macron thanked Serbia for its cooperation in the fight against terrorism, organized crime and illegal migration where it has proven to be a reliable partner. Balkans stable in which Serbia plays an important role

The subject of discussion was economic cooperation, and it was concluded that French companies in Serbia are doing well, that the stock market will exceed one billion euros this year and will negotiate the construction of the metro in Serbia. Belgrade

The French president called on Vucic to march on November 11 to mark the 100th anniversary of the victory of the First World War, while Macron confirmed that he would come to Serbia by the end of the l & # 39; year. According to Novosti, the most likely date of his visit is December 1st.

The host of Vucic recalled the authentic friendship and alliance of the two countries, especially confirmed during the Great War, when Serbia lost a quarter of its population:

We were relatives. Did you give me today a valuable document that creates a new bond between us? Today we are together again, and I am talking about joint missions in Mali, Lebanon …

Macron received a copy of Vucic's war diary on September 7, 1918, with a translation into French, with messages and congratulations from Stojan Protić and Rajmon Poenkarea. In addition to this gift, the Serbian President brought a special edition of Aleksandrovic's wine to the Serbian President in a wooden box with a key, and he received a francuskh wine box from his colleague and a special shelf for Jelisej's palace

and the guards, and it was his second meeting with Makron in Paris in seven months. After speaking with four eyes, a working lunch followed by associates joined them.

Macron agreed to hold a press conference and answer questions from the president of a small country, then escorted him to the car, According to Vucic, he respects Serbia and the Serbian people.


In his trial, the leader of the National Party, Vuk Jeremic, ran his own state and his power in the foreign media. As he did and on the eve of the Serbian President's meeting with US authorities, he also wrote the author's text on "Stabilization" in our country before Vucic's visit to Macron

. Jeremic and the French president falsely spoke to our neighbors, saying that "the autocratic regimes in the region are ruled by reactionary authorities."


NOT the novelty that the Croatians celebrated the second place in the World Cup The Ustasha songs, "said Vucic Tuesday, and said that he believes that he is the only one in the world. he has the right not to encourage Croatia, but his job is that Serbia and Croatia have better relations.

– Is there anything surprising? who are always astonished, who are surprised by them – said Vučić answering the reporter's question about how he was celebrated in Croatia.

He recalled that he had reacted after the first match to not not encourage them:

– Did I offend anybody? Then I asked: how do you think the Serbian president cheers whoever sings a song that starts with the exclamation "ready for the house "It is my responsibility to take care of the Croatian minority in Serbi e and Serbian life and do something, if I can, for them to feel freer and safer in Croatia, even if it is difficult.

READ MORE: Vucic arrives in Paris, tomorrow with Macro

The visit of President Vucic to France is of great importance for Serbia, knowing that the last time that a leader of 39 State was in Belgrade 18 years ago, Jacques

Vucic, on the eve of his departure for Paris, said he expects a lot of talks with President Macron

"I think this meeting is very important for Serbia, with several French presidents and their Serbian counterparts, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today that the Serbian authorities are conducting their special investigation in the case of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic and that the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today that the Serbian authorities were conducting a special investigation into the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, there has been some progress in recent weeks and the results are expected soon. [19659032] I l answers the question of French journalists at a joint press conference with French President Emanuel Macron, recalled that the Serbian authorities do not have effective authority in Kosovo and that Serbia did not conduct the investigation, nor the right to conduct the investigation, but the authorities in Pristina . We have provided all the information requested by us to the authorities of Pristina. We are ready to cooperate because it is a key issue for us. We searched for satellite images of foreign services to find out where the authors were hiding, but we got the answer that they could not show anything because that day was fog. And besides, we asked to get them, but we did not get them, "says Vucic

He said the Serbian authorities are conducting their own special investigation and can not say that They have been completely completed because there have not yet been any arrests. [19459033] " I think we have made progress in the last few weeks and we will soon have a result," he said, saying that there was no perfect crime.

He said that there was great hope.

" We are not asking who can help us, even if it has not been carried out on the territory under the effective control of the Serbian police.It is there one of the key problems for us, "added Vucic

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