19 July 2018 22:21> 23:44 |
US President Donald Tramp has promised today that he would be "the worst enemy" of Vladimir Putin if his relations with the Russian president did not bear fruit
19 July 2018 22:21> 23:44 |
US President Donald Tramp has promised today that he would be "the worst enemy" of Vladimir Putin if his relations with the Russian president did not bear fruit
. He stated that he appreciated the opportunity of 39, improve US-Russian relations even after the US intelligence services claimed that Moscow had repeatedly tried to interfere with the US presidential elections in 2016.
"Maybe all the time," Tramp added in an interview with the White House, which will be fully broadcast on Friday.
US President Donald Tramp has asked his National Security Advisor, John Bolton, to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to Washington to visit in the fall. Sara Sanders, White House spokeswoman today. "
" President Tramp has asked John Bolton to call President Putin in Washington in the fall, and these discussions are already under way, "Sanders said in his Twitter account." 19659009] window .fbAsyncInit = function ()
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Tags collapse deals enemy Putin39s Tramp world worst