THE TIME IS TO TAKE THE TRUTH DARK ON CONFLICT CRIMES Leading Israeli explorer: Ustasha has been amused in Jasenovac, we will publish a book | News


BELGRADE – It is high time to learn the truth about the Ustashi crimes, according to the principal investigator of the Holocaust Institute "Sham Olam" of Israel Gideon Graef and announcement a "truth book" about Jasenovac.

Speaking of the suffering of the detainees, Graef noted that "in Jasenovac was born the expression of" Ustasha criminals unrealistic hugs "that killed detainees.

"They had fun, they worshiped death instead of life, it is very sick, it is the perversion of all human values, their delay in the extreme inhumanity, "said Grief.

Emphasizing the common history of Serbs and Jews, Graef said that he was revealing more and more similarities in the suffering of two nations.

"They were murdered in the same camps, in the Nazi and Ustashi death factories, and today we are faced with great efforts to reduce the number of their victims to put into perspective.When we know it, you feel that you are part of this great tragedy Serbs and Jews, "said Graef.

At the same time, he announced that, in cooperation with Ambassador Ljiljana Nikšić and other colleagues, he is preparing a book of truth about Jasenovac.

"This book will be printed in three languages ​​- a popular book, but in a good way, because the people who live in this country and the threshold of 2019 do not know much about Jasenovac," he said. said.

photo: Wikipedia

As he added, the book will be aimed at "ordinary, non-professional people", or to a wider audience who will be able to get acquainted with him through many facts and materials visuals.

"It is very important that the truth about Jasenovac spreads, that we learn, that we learn, that we teach the truth to others, I think that it will be an important step because it is high time to know the truth. "Ustashi crimes," says Graef.

Asked what motivated him to persistently and consistently defend the truth about the Holocaust and the genocide, and even the Jasenovac camp, Graef said that it was a fight for the truth.

"We are confronted today with attempts to review history, sustainability, we are witnessing the efforts of the victims of these crimes to be killed again, our duty is to constantly fight against this. tries to make the story falsifiable, to present itself through a distorted and distorted image afterwards, "said Grief.

He thinks we owe it to all those Serbs, Jews and Roma who have been victims of persecution and discrimination, torture, the most terrible humiliation and murder at the end of the crime of torture.

"In this unreasonable human tragedy, the victims were the other light that illuminates the truth, the light was individual, like Diana Budisavljevic, who gave victims the salvation of the victims," ​​Grief said.

A prominent scholar of the Holocaust Institute "Sham Olam" of Israel pointed out that "Auschwitz and Jasenovac" should never be forgotten, they are a warning to all Human being".

"This should be remembered today and always in the future," he said.

He also spoke about the exhibition "Jasenovac-the right not to forget", which was presented to the United Nations in New York as part of the Jewish-Serbian academic project last January, considering that the framework is of paramount importance. the truth about the Ustachi camp and the Jasenovac camp.

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