Monthly Horoscope during the sunrise on Lava from July 22 to August 23 Astro


Astrologer: Marina Jungic Milosevic |

July 21, 2018 23:01 |

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OVAN (21. 3. – 20. 4)

POSAO Your Mars position in a retrograde march near the darkened moon, around July 27, warns you of the dangers of the war. be more careful when negotiating with foreigners and sign contracts. After August 13, with the entry of March, the global action in Capricorn, a sign that engages your astrological career field, begins a period of intense activity and contacts with people in position when you will have little time for a break. At the time of the last Moonlight district near Uranus, August 4th, avoid unnecessary costs.

ЉУБАВ Upon entering Venus, the ruler of a field of love and partnership, in sign of Libra, on August 6, a meeting with a person known to the public for work is also possible. The Sun darkened in the field of creativity in a non-harmonic aspect with Pluto, around August 11, negatively affects the relations with a partner.

HEALTH Caring for a family member. Insomnia. Muscle pain.

BIK (21. 4. – 21. 5)

POSAO The Blessed Moon in the astrological house of a career in conjunction with Mars at the end of July warns you of Avoid signing a contract. During the last Moonlight Day, August 4th, do not fall into the provocation of the youngest associates. The position of Venus, the planet of money, after August 6, has a good effect on your finances. At the time of the first moon on Thursday, August 18th, you can expect a cash flow into your bank account.

ЉУБОВА After August 13, strengthens the position of Mars, the master of your love life and subconscious, that is why you should avoid discussing with a partner who will show a higher dose of jealousy and of possessiveness. In any case, before you, an emotionally exciting moment is filled with new knowledge. The Red Sun, under the influence of Jupiter, announces a passionate meeting with Cancer or Scorpio around August 11th.

Pay more attention to the youngest member of the family, especially if you are a parent.

HEALTH Changing the diet. Avoid soft drinks.

BLIZANCI (22. 5. – 21. 6)

POSAO Take the direct walk of your sovereign Merkura, before July 26 and after August 19, to specify the terms of signing the contract. Position of the last day in the moonlight, August 4, warns you that you avoid risky financial transactions, whether you are dealing with the construction or the purchase of real estate. At the last Moonlight Day, August 18, the chances of reaching an agreement on a new type of cooperation with foreign partners are greater.

LOVE The strengthened position of Venus, the planet of love, after August 6, when she enters your field of love, has a beneficial effect on your emotional life, especially if you have recently been associated with an air or a fiery sign. At sunset time, around August 11, during a business meeting, your imagination might catch some signs of air. Mars' strengthened stance, planet action and sexuality, after August 13, brings you the passionate encounter with Aries or Sagittarius.

HEALTH Check the blood count. Beware of limb injuries.

RAK (21. 6. – 22. 7)

POSAO At the time of the eclipse of your ruler of the moon, around July 27, be careful if you plan to cooperate with strangers. The retrograde Walk of Mercury, the world of communications, from July 26 to August 19, warns you to pay attention to what you declare and sign as well as avoid unnecessary costs and risky financial transactions. The position of Moonlight's last district near Uranus, in tense aspects with Mars on August 4, warns you to avoid discussions with your superiors.

LOVE The position of Venus, after August 6, can bring you closer to an interesting young man. March, the head of Career House, August 13, enters Capricorn, bringing you a passionate meeting with your colleague or colleague. Because of the sun darkened in another astrological house in which Merkur is retrograde, around August 11, look for pretendants with soft hair, if you are a woman. If you are a man, at the end of the period, you are more likely to meet Taurus or Vagu.

HEALTH Beware of injuries in the house. Rheumatic disorders.

LAV (23. 7. – 23. 8)

POSAO You are full of energy, because of the strengthened position of your Sun ruler in your sign, but always of July 26 to August 19 What do you declare and sign? In late July and early August, seek a lawyer's notice on a contract, especially at the beginning of August 4th at the last Moonlight. Take the direct walk of Uranus across the astrological field of your career, until August 6, if you plan to start a private business.

ЉУБАВ The shadow of the moon in the astrological field of love near Mars, late July, encourages the jealousy and possessiveness of the partner. After August 6, with the entry of Venus, the planet of love in Vagu, it is possible to meet a charming young man on a shorter path. At the time of the eclipse of your Sun, around August 11, you can start a secret relationship with a person in position. The aspects of Mars, the planet of eroticism, whose position gets stronger in mid-August, will take you to meet someone wearing a uniform at work.

HEALTH Avoid stressful situations. Spend more time with your friends.

DEVICA (23. 8. – 23. 9)

POSAO During the retrograde march of your sovereign Mercury, from July 26 to August 19, be more careful in signing a contract and keeping phones, tablets, keys, credit cards, flash memory, etc. A shady moon near Mars, around July 27, warns you to be more careful when you are in agreement with strangers. On the last day of the moon, August 4th, unforeseen expenses are possible, and on August 18th, at the time of the first month, your money is earned by part-time commitments.

LOVE The position of Venus in the field of astrological work, after August 6, brings you new encounters and acquaintances with interesting people. At sunrise time around August 11, you can enter a secret relationship with someone in a position you already know through business contacts. Entering Mars in the astrological field of love, August 13, strengthens the planet's position of passion and conflict, that is why you should avoid discussing with your partner.

HEALTH Possible rheumatic problems. Insomnia. Be careful of the steering wheel.

VAGA (23. 9. – 22. 10)

POSAO The Last Moon Quarter of August 4 offers you an offer for an artistic project or a commitment involving cooperation with foreigners. On July 26 and after August 19, take the direct route to Mercury, a communications planet that governs your career field, if you plan to expand cooperation with foreigners, especially French-speaking or Italian-speaking countries . At sunrise time in the astrological realm of your career, August 11, discard the discussion with your superiors. Listen to the advice of a Sagittarius

LjUBAV The strengthened position of the Sun in the house of social life and surprises bring you to meet a charismatic person known to the public for his work. A shady moon in a house of love in conjunction with Mars, a planet that manages your love life, around July 27, focuses on partner jealousy and possessiveness. After August 13th, avoid chatting with a loved one, especially if you are in a marriage or longer relationship.

HEALTH Stomach ache possible. Avoid stressful situations.

ŠKORPIJA (23. 10. – 21. 11)

POSAO The last quarter of the moon, August 4, you earn profits through the purchase of real estate or to securities trading. Reinforced position of Mars, one of your leaders, after August 13 announces the possibility of cooperation with foreigners. At the time of the first moon on Thursday, August 18th, you can conclude an agreement with a trading partner that offers you a profitable cooperation. In the period from July 26 to August 19, keep keys, phones, cards, etc.

LOVE At the time of the lunar eclipse, the symbol of emotions, around July 27, on a short trip, conference or seminar, you can meet the busy person. After August 6, entering Venus, the symbol of love in your field of secrets, you can run in parallel with an attractive person. At sunrise, around August 11th, rule out discussion with a spouse or long-time partner. If you are free, you are waiting for a meeting with a charismatic person who travels often to work.

HEALTH Check blood pressure. You need a break.

STRELAC (21. 11. – 22. 12)

POSAO At the time of the lunar eclipse, near Mars, around July 27, avoid signing any sign Significant contracts and arrangements for new jobs. In the third decade of the period, avoid unnecessary costs, as well as increase the loan. Due to the position of the last Moonlight Thursday August 4th, you can expect some money gains through agreements with foreigners if you are engaged in teaching, tourism or marketing.

[БАВ Retrograde Walk of Mercury, a communication planet that governs your astrological partnership field, from July 26 to July 19, negatively affects the relationship with a loved one, especially if you are in a relationship or wedding longer. At sunset, around August 11, jealous partners can be a cause of conflict. The strengthened position of Venus in Vaga, the planet of love that begins August 13 to form the trine with Mars at Capricorn, brings you passionate shared moments with a loved one.

HEALTH Consult a nutritionist to change your diet. RECEIVING

JARAC (22. 12. – 29. 1)

POSAO However, after the beginning of the period, the money begins to cooperate with foreigners, nevertheless, after the July 26, unnecessary fees must be paid. March, the symbol of action, enters your sign on August 13, bringing you energy and increased activity in all areas, but because of the tense appearance Uranus, one of your leaders, avoid stressful situations. First monthly of Thursday, August 18, brings you a profitable commercial offer if you are an artist or an athlete.

ЉУБАВ At the lunar eclipse, head of the astrological field of love, around July 27, you expect a passionate meeting with an aquatic or terrestrial sign. At the beginning of August, at a birthday or a party, you are waiting for a meeting with a lovely person who, at the time of the meeting, will not be completely honest with you. The solar eclipse, around August 11, negatively affects the relationship with a marital or long-time partner, especially if it's a landmark.


POSAO Moon fuzzy in your sign, which manages the astrological field of the nervous system. of the system, warns that by July 27, you will not come into conflict with your colleagues and associates. However, during the last Moonlight Day, August 4th, you probably will not be able to avoid a discussion with the boss. In the retrograde period of Mercury, from July 26 to August 19, be more careful when negotiating new contracts with foreigners, whether you are engaged in the construction or purchase of real estate.

ЉУБАВ At the time of the solar eclipse, the sovereign of the field of partnership relations, around August 11, you can enter into a secret relationship with a younger person. After August 13, Mars, a planet of eroticism, enters the house of secrets, bringing you the knowledge of a busy person on a shorter path. The Trigon between your leaders, Saturn and Uranus, announces a meeting with an old sympathy, if you are a woman. After August 6, when Venus enters the ninth field, there is more chance to travel somewhere with a partner.

HEALTH Beware of sports injuries. Problems with the sinuses

RIBE (20. 2. – 20. 3)

POSAO At the last moonlight in the astrological house of force majeure, August 4, unforeseen expenses are possible. The eighteenth-degree solar eclipse The lava, under the influence of Jupiter, one of the leaders of your sign, around August 11, brings professional success and material satisfaction to artists and artists. athletes. After August 13, Mars, the planet of conflict, enters into the sign of Capricorn, forming a square with Uranus, which is why it would be better for you to disagree with the superiors

ЉУБАВ moment of the lunar eclipse, you are waiting for a romantic encounter with a Bika or a Capricorn. After August 6, the position of Venus, the planet of love and beauty will be strengthened, and many representatives of the opposite sex will want to end up in your business. In the first half of August, partner behavior can arouse your suspicions, especially if you are a couple or couple. Show more understanding for the younger members of the family, especially if you are a parent.

HEALTH Check the blood count. Possible rheumatic problems.

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