How can I be my colleague? This is what Mira Skoric thinks of Kia becoming a singer


23. 07. 2018.

– Author: pressonline

How can I be my colleague? Here is what Mira Škorić thinks about Kija who becomes a singer

The singer commented on the current rivalry about rijalitija, and that the winner of the Cooperative became a singer

Mira Škorić was produced at the 57th Youth Culture Festival of Serbia last night and delighted the citizens of this place in eastern Serbia. Before the concert where there were 5,000 people, Mira talked about her projects, the girls from Milica, and talked about the current stars.

Mira admitted that she was in Knjazevac for the first time and was impressed by the public, stating that the Knjazevci were good hosts. The singer will release another single in the fall and begin to promote it, and until then it's worth playing and taking time off.

– Currently, I play and I fall in the futility of the performance – Mira Škorić / 1965 Photo: A. Nalbantjan

The singer also referred to the current music scene, but also on the rialitas which were observed by almost all of Serbia for months and the region. He admits that he does not adapt to the trends and that he does not intend to shoot duet, and appreciate what some rappers, the most Rasta and Djus, enjoy.

– I can not call all my colleagues. This is what is happening today in the jungle. The association of associations must answer urgently. You do not have to put everything in one basket. It is embarrassing that someone tells me that the star is your comrade. How can she be my colleague? – Mira asks

Then she commented that she was the winner of the Cooperative Society, that she said that she followed, because it was impossible to watch it, Kristina Kia Kockar recorded a duet with "ministers" and became a singer.

Kristina Kia Kockar / Photo by Marko Jovanovic

I think that's too much. I think it would be much more pleasant to send a message of rijalitia to sick children. But people choose what they will watch. But they are celebrating you instantly and that …

– I was in my big brother VIP and at Paroi as a surprise guest for several days. It is better to organize humanitarian concerts than to do it. There are so many sick children who need help. A few concerts a month, everyone will come to help the sick. I'm more than that, but to vote for a favorite rijalitija – concluded Mira.

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online press

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