IF THE APPARATUS REQUIRES THE ISTRAGH MACHINE: The manufacturer is falsifying the data on the vaccines! Thousands of children injected who knows what! | Planet


The President #XiJinping demanded an immediate and thorough investigation into the latest scandal #vaccine and severely punish those responsible, while improving the country's vaccine management system for protect the interests of citizens. security.https: //t.co/KBaQL4Rdc2

– China Plus News (@ChinaPlusNews) July 23, 2018

Namely, last week, vaccine maker Changshaeng Bayotechnology Who falsified data on rabies vaccines.

The company has been ordered to stop production and remove all rabies vaccines. For now, there is no evidence that the vaccine has hurt anyone, but the scandal has caused much disapproval in China.

Prime Minister Li Keqang on Sunday demanded that those involved in the scandal be severely punished, saying that the only thing that could have happened was that he was being punished. incident "moral line". In addition, in the province of Djilin, authorities have announced that a series of vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus and large cough (DTaP) are also below the norm.

As reported by the media, more than 250,000 doses of DTaP have been sold to prevention centers in eastern China.

The company was ordered to pay a fine of about $ 510,000.

According to the Chinese Food and Drug Administration, there are no data on vaccine diseases although they are given to children across the country.


Photo: AP


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