Relations between Serbia and the United States can once again be at their peak


Relations between Serbia and the United States reached their peak 100 years ago and can be reorganized in collaboration with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić at Kapitol Hill, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the flag Serbian above the White House. that Serbia presented during the First World War and its contribution to victory in this war.

US Congressmen, Senator Ron Johnson and Texas MP Ted Po, as well as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, l & # 39; Ukraine and Eurasia Lora Cooper. US lawmakers have stated that Serbia has friends and allies in the United States supporting its path of European integration. Lora Kuper spoke of the successful military cooperation between the two countries and the partnership between the Serbian Army and the National Guard of Ohio.

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic attended political meetings with representatives of Washington State Department and Tramway. Zeljka Cvijanovic, Prime Minister of Republika Srpska

stated that "the historic moments that unite two nations, such as the one we remember today, are far more important than those that share them."

  Ana Brnabić speaking at the ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the Serbian flag over the White House (Photo: VOA / Helena Đorđević)

Ana Brnabić speaking at the 100th anniversary ceremony Serbian flag The White House (Photo: VOA / Helena Đorđević)

"There is no doubt that we have to do a lot to get back to where we were about a hundred years ago, but through a common history until the end of the war. at 30 years ago, mutual support was first questioned, "said Brnabić at

" I invite all participants to remember the following. a strong friendship and "

" My message today to all of you, the citizens and leaders of the United States is
that together we can succeed. Trainees from the Common Past have an impact on our reality, but they should shape the future "

Brnabić said:

The Serbian Prime Minister presented the medal to MP Ted Pou of Texas, co-chair of the Serbian coconut, to recognize his "tireless work Friendship and relationship building. "

Serbian Day – July 28, 1918

The President of the United States Woodrow Wilson declared the Serbian holiday on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the Austro-Hungarian war He called the Americans to pray for the Serbian people who suffered heavy losses during the First World War, which was also made public by the then Secretary of State Robert Lensing [19659003] the place that was created by the American Embassy in Belgrade:

Prime Minister Brnabic said that Serbia and the United States fought on the same side in all Great wars and celebrated the 100th anniversary of the raising of the Serbian flag in the White House is "a great day and an opportunity for new chapters in relations".

The Serbian Prime Minister is interviewed by Jim Jong Kim the president of Washington, and Stephen Mnuchin US Secretary of Finance, economic reforms and cooperation with US companies and investors. of the Government of Serbia

The Prime Minister met the Congressman Michael McCall, Member of the Foreign Policy Committee of the House of Representatives

Minister Dačić met with the Secretary of State Deputy State Vesma Michel, on Wednesday, and his meeting with John Bolton's National Security Advisor was scheduled for Thursday.

Dacic at the invitation of the Secretary of State The Mother Pompey also participates in a ministerial conference on religious freedom in the State Department on Thursday, while the Prime Minister should deliver a speech at the International Republican Institute.

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