Taca still "Merka" Presevo valley



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Hasim Thaçi, President of the Provisional Institutions of Kosovo, met today Pristina political representatives of the Albanians south of central Serbia, the so-called Presevo Valley, and then stated that they are concerned about their rights, but that they can not do part of a legally binding agreement with Belgrade.

"The division of Kosovo will not be, and the legally binding agreement after the end of the dialogue will be signed between the two independent states," he took a press conference

Asked whether the meeting with Albanian political leaders of the Preševo ​​Valley linked to the exchange of territory, which has been more and more often spoken in the public recently, Thaci said that he was closely following the requests of the leaders of party of three municipalities in southern central Serbia, Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac, and that their status is worrying, but also that it has nothing to do with a division of Kosovo.

According to him, the declaration of the political leaders of the Albanians of these three municipalities. Kos Koïk reports that Thaçi promises the support of all the institutions of Pristina to the Albanians who, as he said, live in Serbia

We have the duty not only to hear the problems facing the Albanians of the valley, but also the institutions of Kosovo who are concerned about the improvement of their rights, "said Mr. Thaçi.

Pristina can no longer turn a blind eye to Belgrade's injustice" [19659011] "Serbia is like any other country and intends to become a member of the EU, is obliged to respect the rights of the Albanians who live there.Unfortunately, Serbia is far from meeting the standards of the citizens of the Presevo Valley, this situation was confirmed at today's meeting and I believe that the Belgrade authorities will welcome our interests and respect the rights of the Albanians, because we respect the rights of Serbs in Koso vo ", said Thaci


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