DW: When the division of Kosovo is mentioned


Many Skopje are hacked to mention the possibility of partitioning Kosovo or the exchange of territories.

Experts believe that Macedonia may have the domino effect of solving the Kosovo problem and must therefore rush to NATO.

Macedonia must open its four eyes so as not to attract new winds from the north. Things in Kosovo are speeding up in Serbia and the public is intensely preparing for some sort of solution. From the position of several Serbian officials and President Vucic himself, one can conclude that there is an old story about the division of Kosovo or the replacement of the territory by the table.

According to the journalist Darko Hudelist, according to Vucic interview in the weekly Zagus. the idea of ​​the Serbian president is more or less the "north of Kosovo in exchange for recognition", although the recognition should not be explicit. The Pristina newspaper, Gazeta Express, reports that Tramp and Putin have "agreed" with the president at a recent meeting in Helsinki

. According to diplomatic sources in Skopje, these ideas are not new, but only presented as balloons.

– The division of Kosovo or the exchange of territory is an old idea of ​​the nationalists in Belgrade and Pristina – says Stevo Pendarovski, coordinator of Macedonia's accession to NATO. According to him, he has never received support in relevant international circles who insisted on the established administrative boundaries of his republics and the province of KiM during the dismantling of Yugoslavia.

Pendarovski's stories about a Tramp and Putin treaty on Kosovo is the cause of the fundamental ignorance of the functioning of world politics. "Since the Second World War, great geopolitical combinations and the division of spheres of interest have never been negotiated in bilateral meetings: the Arab Spring or the annexation of Crimea are two examples. "

He is convinced that the solution of the security problem and affirms that the two key elements have long figured in the international community: "Belgrade will not explicitly recognize the independence of Kosovo, but will have to establish diplomatic relations with Pristina, secondly, the northern Serbs will receive a certain degree of Because at least a quarter of the citizens are Albanians, mainly concentrated in the northwest

– The division of Kosovo will open dilemmas on the future of the Kosovo entity and the possibility of joining Albania and will destabilize the Presevo Valley at our northern border – says the analyst Sašo Ordanoski

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Source: Dojče vele

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