A man accused of planting 9 fires in California


As announced the County Riverside County Attorney's Office, Brendon McGlover, of Temejkula, must appear in court to rule on 15 offenses punishable by life imprisonment

  california, fire [19659003]. The nine fires broke out Wednesday in areas about 160 kilometers east of Los Angeles, and five homes were destroyed by fires, while an estimated 6,000 people were evacuated, according to AP. </p>
<p>  That Another Firefighter Was Killed In The Fire Of Se </p>
<p>  It has already been reported that another firefighter was killed in the fire of Northern California by a bulldozer trying to quell the fire. </p>
<p>  As stated, three burns burned and a large number of citizens, dozens of homes were destroyed and thousands were forced into evacuation. </p>
<p>  Authorities expect the Northern California fire to continue moving to urban areas and more than 5,000 people have been evacuated. official. </p>
<p>  Fire on the surface of 115 square kilometers Monday, so that by this morning, the area under fire will triple because of high temperatures and strong winds. </p>
<p>  A large forest fire continued outside of Josemiti National Park. </p>
<p>  In Clayton, in the San Francisco Bay Area, about 100 homes are still at risk of fire, although firefighters were able to locate the fire </p>
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