After 26 days of Zadru's wedding, Nadezda admitted why he jumped the fence! (VIDEO)


09th 07. 2018.

– Author: Pressonline

After 26 days after getting married to Zadruga, Nadezda confessed why he jumped the fence! (VIDEO)

The eight days of Saddam before the end of Zadruge fled the riot, and everyone thought that was the reason for the conflict with Lun Đogani

Nadežda Biljić will remember his participation in Zadru by strong ties, checking with Mikija Duričić, but also escaping riyalism by jumping the barrier.

During Nagadžda, Nadezda pointed to Lun as the main problem in the rivalry, but in the show "People of the Pie" she discovered the real reason she decided that step.

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This is not a Luna for which I have crossed the barrier I jumped because I could not look at the different moralists anymore. 24 hours m attacked because of Mikija, they tried to make me a fool and an idiot … I could be silly, but stupid and stupid and stupid that I've never been in life – says Nadežda, indicating that she came out of Miljan, not

Nadežda and Miki in the show "People Ask" Printskrin: Youtube / Official Cooperative

I knew that the contact Physical would be with the pregnant woman if I did not go out. I could not have to suffer anymore. And with Luno … I did not know why she was hitting me, that night we were all crazy, I just needed a trigger. No matter who was there then said something I did not like, I would have attacked it, "said Nadežda.

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Miki discovered, reconciled Slobo and Kija

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