After the photos of Kije and Vuk Moba came out of the holidays, Slob said, and here's what she told them! | telegraph


Slobo, Kija, and Vuk, Photo: A. Nalbantjan, ATA Images

The winner of the Kija Kockar Cooperative and the Vuk Mob holiday reper spend together on a beach in Montenegro, and the photos that prove that have come to an end . ] Although, in the media, there was information that Kristina was in relation to Vuko Mob, the two immediately denied these allegations, but today they still suspect that there is something between them

Kristina Kockar, Photo: ATA Images

Kija made her first appearance with a group of ministers last night, but today she has already packed her jackets and headed to the coast Montenegrin where she was on the beach with a reper


Vuk Mob, Photo: Nikola Tomić

The Telegraph team contacted Kijino still legitimate wife Slobodan Radanovic to comment on the whole situation

Slobodan Radanovic

Shortly after, Telegraph commented Slobo

We would like to say that Kija and Slobo will find the judge on August 7 to finally update their marriage. 19659012]! function (f, b, e, h, n, t, s)
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