Arrested by knife attacker in Libek, nine wounded


The media reported earlier that the attacker with a knife had wounded 14 people. Police said that there was no indication that he was politically radicalized. It is a German citizen of Iranian origin aged 34

The Minister of the Interior of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, Hans-Joachim Grote, excludes not the terrorist motives, but adds that the police do not start from this assumption. He was wounded by a knife, nine people were injured in total, "he said to Bild .

Grote stated that the attack had occurred." The suspect is was in the middle of the bus and the driver could see in the mirror how to leave his backpack, "he said.After that, the driver stopped the bus, spoke to the suspect who punched him in the face

Then, "the man took out a knife and shot six passengers at random." Two other people were injured. "19659002 Attorney Ula Hingst said that the background of the Attack was completely vague and that the ranch of the attacker was under investigation

"We are investigating in every way, now we can not exclude anything", at- she told N-TV. [ad_2]
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