At the "Justice for David" conference, 15,000 people


On Banja Luka's Krajina Square, a series of "Justice for David" protests took place.

Source: Tanjug

Television BN TV claims that it is the most massive gathering to which have attended to date about 15 000 citizens of other cities of RS and FB-H.

Federal media reports that a congress under the same name will also be held in Sarajevo.
Among other things, Father Davor and his mother, Suzana, talked about the fact that their son was killed and wanted justice.

"Dear sister, darling, dear David our soul, Saturday is the 104th day, compassion in murder is a crime harder than murder, accomplices and killers who took it, violated and killed and finally put in the sewer.Everything you could do, but kill my baby this way, declare.Yes, I repeat the state.David was born of love, this square that you, the criminals and the assassins, made during their conference of March 26 last, "said Davor Dragičević from Krajina Square, and transmitted by BN.

The prosecutor's office of Banja Luka ordered the holding of an investigation against NN leaders, because of the existence of suspicions that they committed the murder of the young David Dragičević.

David Dragićević disappeared on the night of March 18 and his body was found on March 24 at the entrance of the church in Vrbas, near the fortress of Kastel.

The police, two days after the founding of the body, said that the death was inconsequential and that there was no element of the criminal offense.

The granddaughter claims from the beginning that David Dragičević was abducted, tortured, carried and his body was thrown into the church, which is a sewer. Davor Dragičević, father of a boy, claims that his son was liquidated by members of Republika Srpska RS and that the highest officials of the RS and prosecutor's office are trying to overcome the crime, which he qualifies "accomplices of murder".

On March 26, every evening on the Krajina Square, peaceful gatherings of citizens seeking truth and justice for David Dragičević are organized and the Fejsbuk "Pravda za Davida" group is formed with nearly 330 000 members of RS. (fbds = document.createElement ("script"); if (! _ fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement ("script"); fbds.async = true; fbds.src = "http: // connect. "; var s = document.getElementsByTagName (" script ") [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _ fbq.loaded = true}}) (); window._fbq window._fbq || = []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”6022054961321″,{“value”:”0.00″,”currency”:”EUR”}]);
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