Austria closes the border with Germany ?!


If Germany accepts the agreement of Angela Merkel and Horst Zehofer on the construction of three collection centers for asylum seekers bordering on Austria, Vienna is ready to protect its southern border while Rome would put a ramp at the border Brenner Austria.

These yesterday threats from the Vienna and Rome officials are the first European reactions to the bloody compromise of the German Chancellor and her Interior Minister who saved the Berlin government from collapse, but at the same time opened a new reconsideration of Schengen sustainability. What can happen in the coming weeks depends on what will happen in Germany. If Berlin introduces national measures, this could have a backlash and could mean that Austria should react. In the long term, our ambition is a Europe without internal frontiers, which is possible in the medium and long term, whereas in a short period it depends on what Germany has done. In any case, Schengen will only survive if we strengthen the EU's external borders and stop the influx of illegal migrants, "said Sebastian Kurz yesterday, Austrian Chancellor and new President of the EU. EU, Strasbourg

Merkel provoked a dramatic announcement of the official Vienna

"Rally centers on the border with Austria will not be detention centers for migrants. They will be able to return freely to Austria but will not be able to go further in Germany, "said Zehofer, describing the profile of the" centers "that Merkel has accepted despite fierce opposition to such an idea.

Sebastian Kurt reacts immediately: [19659003"IfweagreetoanofficialpositionoftheGermangovernmentwhenweareobligedtoacttoavoidnegativeconsequencesfortheAustrianpopulationtheAustriangovernmentisreadytoactontheborder"

HERE details of the impact on Merkel.

Source: Politika

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